Alcoholic Drinks Beyond the Pandemic

January 2022

Facing a still unfolding, once-in-a-century black swan event like the pandemic did take a cataclysmic toll on the global alcoholic drinks industry. With the on-trade decimated on the back of draconian lockdowns and social distancing measures, pronounced declines proved inevitable. And yet, the industry is staging a roaring bounce-back while proving to be flexible, adaptable and ready to embrace the dawn of the New Normal and all its intoxicating opportunities.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key Findings

Globalised disruption and the dawn of the New Normal

Supply chain upheaval, labour shortages – particularly in hospitality – severe and sustained inflationary pressures and an ongoing reassessment of drinkers’ priorities, values and daily rituals will inform the direction the alcohol industry adopts following the pandemic.

Unprecedented declines but strong momentum for bounce-back

The pandemic cost has been severe with the on-trade suffering monumental losses, micro and craft producers facing even more pronounced headwinds and all key segments forced into the defensive. However, the ongoing recovery’s momentum is strong and accelerating.

Drinking going digital, polarisation rising and hometainment take centre stage

The (admittedly belated yet booming) rise of e-commerce in all its myriad iterations from DTC sales to third party apps, the pandemic macroeconomic ripple effects potentially fuelling more polarised purchasing choices and the home cemented as an entertainment hub are three key trends to watch in the short to medium term.

Downside risks remain, from new variants to macroeconomic clouds on the horizon

We are not out of the woods just yet. Varying degrees of vaccination coverage, the certainty of new variants appearing and discretionary incomes across most of the key markets being under severe and sustained pressure could derail the otherwise buoyant recovery narrative.

Innovation and experimentation will shift back under the spotlight

While innovation took a back seat during the initial stages of the crisis since streamlining operations and pivoting to survival mode became essential, producers and consumers are gearing up to embrace the post-pandemic era through the lens of new occasions, a total beverage coverage and breaking the mould in new product and format launches.

Key findings
The World Beyond the Pandemic: The Big Picture
Future of Globalisation
Future of Work and Education
Future Priorities and Preferences
What does “The World Beyond the Pandemic” mean for alcoholic drinks?
A seismic decline and a roaring bounce-back
Routes to disruption
The 4-step consumer progression of COVID-19 for alcoholic drinks
Long-term impacts of COVID-19 on alcoholic drinks
Drinking goes digital
The dawn of a polarised world
Home as an entertainment hub: The rise of hometainment
Major behavioural shifts shaping long-term consumption
Digital living: Historic complacency and future intoxicating potential
Home-centric lifestyle: The new frontier?
Social and environmental responsibility: Authenticity an essential part of the brew
Value: Trading down, across and polarisation gaining momentum
Challenges to overcome
Key areas of opportunities
Companies are meeting the needs of consumers using various strategies
Digital-first and Empathy for the Online
Natural high? Spirited Euphoria by the Endorphin Dealer Institute
Truly Hard Seltzer Taproom: Cementing on-trade presence
BrewDog: Sustainable convenience?
The World Beyond the Pandemic
Key learnings for alcoholic drinks
Become tomorrow’s next leader

Alcoholic Drinks

Alcoholic drinks is the aggregation of beer, wine, spirits, cider/perry and RTDs.

See All of Our Definitions


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