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Apparel and Footwear Specialists

Market research on the retailing industry. Our reports feature a ...

Market research on the retailing industry. Our reports feature a wealth of standardised and cross-comparable statistics including total market sizes, market share and brand share data, distribution and industry trends.

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Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Vietnam

Feb 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists in Vietnam remained significantly impacted by a range of negative factors throughout 2023, even though global inflationary pressures led the Vietnamese government to lower the tax rate to 8% from July until the year’s…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Ukraine

Mar 2024

Following a sharp contraction in 2022, apparel and footwear specialists in Ukraine saw current value sales rebound strongly in 2023. However, its recovery was skewed by price hikes imposed to offset inflationary pressures, with trade remaining…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Turkey

Mar 2024

With inflation very still high, apparel and footwear specialists in Turkey registered both a double-digit percentage increase in current and constant value sales. However, there was slight contraction in the number of outlets, as rising costs led…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in the US

Mar 2024

In 2023, current value growth in apparel and footwear specialists slowed for a second year in a row in the US, as demand continued to normalise relative to 2021, and consumers managed through another year of high inflation. This is a bit misleading,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in the United Kingdom

Mar 2024

After a year of strong double-digit value growth in 2022 for apparel and footwear specialists in the UK, the channel maintained its positive trajectory in 2023 to outperform all other non-grocery retailers, except for leisure and personal goods…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in the United Arab Emirates

Feb 2024

In 2023, value sales of apparel and footwear specialists in the United Arab Emirates continued to recover from the significant impact of the pandemic, when the channel recorded a double-digit decline in 2020. A return to in-store shopping (despite…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in the Philippines

Feb 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists registered strong growth in current value terms in 2023. This was attributable to an increase in mobility, with consumers returning to their pre-pandemic shopping routines. The year also saw more consumers returning…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in the Netherlands

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists registered modest growth in current value terms in 2023 although this was down to inflation rather than an increase in demand. Consumers were looking to make savings in 2023 due to pressure on disposable income which…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in the Czech Republic

Feb 2024

Apparel and footwear in the Czech Republic witnessed steady volume and current value growth in 2023 as shopping patterns started returning to normality post-pandemic. Price increases were also a factor underpinning current value growth, with this…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Thailand

Feb 2024

Overall current value sales rose in 2023 for apparel and footwear specialists in Thailand, partly benefitting from the continued post-pandemic rebound. Thailand is a difficult market for fast fashion players, however. Even before the pandemic,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Taiwan

Feb 2024

In 2023, the retail sales of apparel specialist retailers in Taiwan bounced back significantly. Following a double-digit growth rate in 2022, which surpassed the modest growth recorded in 2021, several major international brands displayed remarkable…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Switzerland

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists in Switzerland saw a decline in current value sales in 2023 due to consumer price sensitivity, which led to the prioritisation of essential products and a shift towards private label lines and discounters. Moreover,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Sweden

Apr 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists in Sweden had to deal with unstable macroeconomic and geopolitical environments towards the end of the review period. The high inflation rates in 2022 and 2023 forced consumers to prioritise purchases of essential…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Spain

Feb 2024

The combined impact of the pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 created widespread instability in the local economy with high inflation and a sharp rise in prices continuing to be seen in 2023. This limited the recovery of apparel and…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in South Korea

Apr 2024

Outlet numbers in apparel and footwear specialists in South Korea remained fairly static in 2023, after several years of decline. Meanwhile, although sales failed to return to anywhere near the pre-pandemic level in current value terms, they…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in South Africa

Feb 2024

The performance of apparel and footwear specialists in South Africa continued to improve in 2023, due to consumers’ revived routines such as returning to the workplace and shopping centres. As inflationary pressure has been impacting disposable…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Slovakia

Feb 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists registered a fall in current value sales in Slovakia in 2023. With inflation still being high, consumers were price sensitive and cut back on spending on non-essentials. Also, when consumers did purchase, they traded…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Singapore

Feb 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists in Singapore continued to record robust growth in 2023. This was largely driven by the full-scale resumption of social activities and international travel. 2023 witnessed a full year of the effects and benefits of…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Saudi Arabia

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear is thriving in Saudi Arabia with strong demand stemming from changing fashion trends, consumer preferences, the return of religious pilgrims and tourists, the demand for quality products and government regulations. Moreover, the…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Romania

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists in Romania recorded strong, double-digit retail value growth in 2023. This positive performance is partly driven by consumers returning to physical stores, after COVID-19 restrictions were lifted in March 2022. The…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Portugal

Mar 2024

Sales of apparel and footwear specialists in Portugal continued to grow in 2023, although at a slower pace when compared to 2022. 2022 was a year of strong recovery following the outbreak of COVID-19, when the channel recorded double-digit growth.…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Poland

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists recorded moderate value sales growth in 2023. A positive impact on the channel is the rapidly changing fashion that drives the sale of fast fashion, and even the visible trend of ultra-fast fashion, where consumers…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Peru

Mar 2024

Rising consumer interest in receiving a more personalised service and advice is drawing consumers into apparel and footwear specialists in Peru. Consumers value the fast service offered by these retailers, especially in contrast to department stores,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Norway

Feb 2024

Apparel and footwear saw current value growth rise on a par with recent years, with inflation fuelling some growth. This followed a few tough years during the pandemic era when people stayed at home and retail sales were naturally limited. Saved…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Nigeria

Feb 2024

In 2023, apparel and footwear specialists in Nigeria contended with a challenging retail environment characterised by low consumer purchasing power and rising inflation. As consumers prioritised essential items such as groceries and medicine,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in New Zealand

Mar 2024

While apparel and footwear specialists in New Zealand saw retail current value sales growth over 2023, the overall performance of the category reflected differences in the year. In the first half of the year, retail current value sales remained…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Morocco

Feb 2024

Decathlon, a key player in the mass distribution of sports and leisure apparel and footwear, continued to demonstrate its winning model in 2023. With a discreet yet impactful approach, Decathlon has successfully democratised access to sports and…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Mexico

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists registered the worst performance within non-grocery retailers in Mexico in 2023, with a contraction in current value terms, even though the number of outlets continued to rise. With consumers becoming more cautious,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Malaysia

Feb 2024

Reopened borders in 2022 and relaxed movement restrictions resulted in sharp rises in foot traffic in malls, boosted by locals and the return of international tourism. Festivities such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri and the widespread use of promotions…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Japan

Feb 2024

The leading player in apparel and footwear specialists, Fast Retailing, has been focusing on experiences in its stores. Having both an offline and online presence, the retailer aims to differentiate its physical stores by providing customers with…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Italy

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists continued to record single-digit growth in current value terms in 2023 as the category continued on the path to recovery. Despite this sales remained lower than pre-pandemic levels as elevated inflation and a sharp…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Israel

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists in Israel are those notably affected by macroeconomic factors in 2023, with a notable rise in import costs and concurrent increases in essential family expenditures such as housing, food, and gas. Additionally,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Ireland

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists maintained double-digit value growth in 2023, following a significant sales boom the previous year. The 2022 sales boost was attributed to this being the first full year without pandemic-related restrictions, driven…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Indonesia

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists saw further current value growth in Indonesia in 2023. In the post-COVID-19 environment, consumer experience has become increasingly important, with consumers expecting comfort and unique design in stores. Gen Z and…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in India

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists maintained double-digit current value growth in India in 2023, along with continued growth in outlet numbers. After significant disruption during the pandemic, the channel returned to the 2019 level of sales for the…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Hungary

Feb 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists is another channel which was seeing strong value growth in Hungary in 2023. Indeed, this trend continues from 2022, which also saw double-digit value growth, as the channel bounced back from the pandemic restrictions…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Hong Kong, China

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists saw a significant rebound in sales in Hong Kong in current value terms in 2023. Inbound tourism and private consumption continued to recover in 2023, and improvements in household income helped retail sales to rebound…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Greece

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists saw current value growth in 2023. Inflation and continued price increases have been driving more and more consumers into the second-hand market, which is gradually gaining ground in Greece. Recently, the Bulgarian…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Germany

Apr 2024

In 2023, apparel and footwear specialists in Germany, including H&M, experienced modest growth compared to the double-digit rise recorded the previous year due to an easing of pandemic restrictions and pent-up demand, yet sales remained below…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in France

Feb 2024

In 2021 and 2022, apparel and footwear specialist retailers in France saw strong current value growth as they began their post-pandemic recovery. However, inflationary pressures have since reduced household spending on discretionary goods. In 2023…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Finland

Mar 2024

The slowdown in the economy has not hit apparel and footwear specialists in Finland as hard as grocery retailers. Pent-up demand for clothing purchases since the pandemic, especially to wear at parties and celebrations, has sustained sales growth in…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Egypt

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists in Egypt felt the force of economic and political issues in 2023. Amid the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, high inflation, currency devaluation, import restrictions and the fallout of the war in Ukraine and…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Denmark

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists saw decline in Denmark in 2023 as the impact of challenging economic conditions and the rising cost of living squeezed purchasing power and significantly dampened consumer confidence. Moreover, pure play online…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Colombia

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists experienced another successful year in 2023, with moderate current value growth as consumers resumed their pre-pandemic lifestyles. The approaches to apparel and footwear, which feature strongly in consumers’…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in China

Mar 2024

After a year of significant decline in 2022 due to pandemic restrictions, in 2023 apparel and footwear specialists continued to see a slight fall in current value sales in China, despite the lifting of restrictions. With the end of the pandemic,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Chile

Mar 2024

Despite consolidation of value share among five leading players, including Multitiendas Corona SA and Zara Chile SA, apparel and footwear specialists in Chile remained dominated in outlet terms by independent players in 2023. These operators serve…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Canada

Feb 2024

Continuing on from the promising performance of the previous two years, apparel and footwear specialists continued to see growth in Canada in current value terms in 2023. The factors that drove growth in the retail apparel market included the…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Bulgaria

Feb 2024

With inflation still being an issue, though apparel and footwear specialists in Bulgaria registered an increase in current value sales, constant value sales fell, as continuing rising costs cut into profit margins. There was also a slight decline in…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Brazil

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists maintained growth in current value terms in Brazil in 2023, as well as in outlet numbers. Value sales finally returned to the pre-pandemic level, although the same could not be said of outlet numbers. Lojas Renner…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Belgium

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists in Belgium saw relatively modest growth in current value terms in 2023, when compared to the previous two years. This was mainly due to inflationary pressures, which led to rising prices, as players sought to protect…

USD 1,195
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