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Age Agnostic – Age IS Just a Number

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This blog post is the first of a series highlighting each of the trends in Euromonitor International’s “Top 10 Global Consumer Trends of 2019” report.

The boundaries of old age are shifting as people live longer and take better care of their health, appearance and wellbeing. Age Agnostics no longer have a passive attitude towards ageing, and this is especially true in wealthier developed countries with decent healthcare systems and social conditions.

Age Agnostics don’t hold conform to demographic expectations. The oldest baby boomers—often referred to as the ‘forever young’ generation—are now going into their 70s and are redefining ageing. These are a new kind of mature consumers—a diverse group who enjoy the same things as their younger counterparts and want to continue to be themselves for as long as possible.

As longevity rates soar, societies are ageing rapidly

The driving force behind Age Agnostic is the fact that people are living for much longer, want to remain active, contribute to society and maintain an ageless attitude towards life. Almost every country in the world is showing growth in the number and the proportion of older persons relative to the general population. For example, in Japan, by the year 2025, half of the population will be over 50 years old, and even in 2018, over two million Japanese citizens were over 90 years old.

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Senior spending power offers huge growth potential

Overall, later lifers are in better financial shape than the rest of the population, boasting the highest spending power among all age groups. This high average income level of these two age groups will grow 26% and 22%, respectively, through to 2025, making this demographic a highly profitable target group for marketing discretionary purchases. For example, from holiday homes and luxury watches to nutritional supplements and beauty care treatments and a vast spectrum of premium products and services.

The key to winning and retaining the loyalty and trust of this ageing demographic is to develop products and services that are universally accessible even while designed with older people in mind. Baby boomers have much more in common with the values and priorities of millennials and younger generations than many realise, and it is this inclusive mindset that needs to be better understood and catered for in the future.

Coverwpgct2019 V0.4 1 150X150To learn more about this trend, download Euromonitor International’s “Top 10 Global Consumer Trends of 2019” report

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