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Consumers Are Seeking ‘Frictionless Mobility’

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This article is part of a series highlighting each of the 2020 Top 10 Global Consumer Trends. 

The world’s population is becoming increasingly urban. The lure of economic prosperity, higher education and an exciting social life entices consumers to move to cities. Driving is less common with roads becoming congested and public transportation overcrowded 

Authorities are starting to charge vehicles travelling through cities to reduce congestion and pollution which contributes to the rise of shared mobility services. Furthermore, consumers seek fast, seamless and cheap transportation. They expect Frictionless Mobility in 2020.  

We want multiple transportation options 

Consumers want their transportation across cities to be modular and personalised to their individual needs. They do not want to rely on a single transport method, but rather demand multiple mobility options that account for time, budget, weather and occasion.  

Navigation apps provide consumers real-time updates on the most effective way of arriving at their destination. App purchase and payment options are convenient and seamless. The rise and expectation of contactless and mobile payments is the norm across many cities.  

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Consumers want to travel as quickly and efficiently as possible and are prepared to pay a premium for the service. By 2022, businesses will offer alternative transportation methods. For example, Volocopter is an urban air mobility company launching a commercially licensed on-demand air taxi service 

The company provides business travelers a seamless way of commuting from an airport to a central business district for the price of a limousine ride. The two-seater air taxi is a glimpse into the future of transportation. 

With consumers increasingly living busy yet flexible lifestyles, rush hour will be a term of the past. Transportation, along with all other industries, must cater to the varying needs of citizens on a 24/7 basis. Mobility of the future will need to be personalised, efficient and seamless. Personalisation is the key to achieving Frictionless Mobility. 

To learn more, download the free report, Top 10 Global Consumer Trends 2020. 

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