Cider/Perry: Tradition and Transformation

March 2022

Cider/perry has an extensive history, with a wealth of tradition; however, cider brands face an uphill battle as they work to adapt to changing priorities, while navigating the challenging macroeconomic landscape affecting the whole industry. A balance between celebrating heritage and embracing modern developments needs to be found. Emphasising artisanal credentials will help to improve consumer engagement and boost awareness of the range and versatility on offer.

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Key Findings

The contextual landscape cannot be ignored

Cider’s short- to mid-term performance will be heavily shaped by the macroeconomic factors affecting the whole industry. High inflation, rising input costs and the conflict in Eastern Europe all have the potential to derail recovery significantly. For cider specifically, a key challenge is overcoming consumer perception issues and raising awareness of the category’s range and versatility.

Geographic limitations hinder global standing

Cider has an extensive history, with varied traditions across markets, providing a solid basis for brand origin stories. Although geographic expansion is a strategic priority for leading international brands, global cider volumes remain reliant on just a handful of markets – the UK, South Africa, the US and Australia.

Artisanal qualities are key to revitalising appeal

Cider will remain fairly limited in geography and scale, but there is potential for greater relevance. Consumer desire to explore production and ingredients offers a chance for cider to highlight its credentials and revive flagging enthusiasm for the category. Cider will need to balance its focus on the tradition inherent to the category with efforts to embrace modern developments, such as e-commerce and no/low alcohol.

Cider can draw inspiration from across alcoholic drinks

While cider is a distinct category with an array of unique qualities, it intersects with various others. Cider’s consumption occasions and serving styles tend to be shared with beer, while there is increasing overlap with RTDs’ positioning, and the production (of premium ciders at least) has a lot in common with wine. Cider brands can use features of the craft sector in beer or the language of wine, for example, to boost engagement.




Key findings
Macroeconomic backdrop adds to cider’s challenges
Varied traditions illustrate cider’s extensive history
Brewers have historically looked to cider for diversification
Consumer indifference presents an obstacle to growth
UK: Draught developments and a need for at-home appeal
US: Angry Orchard steers performance
Engagement through e-commerce and education
Hybrid drinks capitalise on cider’s position between categories
Artisanal cider: Natural potential?
Old vs new in craft branding
Low-calorie launches: Less is more?
Sugar levels could hinder non-alcoholic cider’s progress
Conclusion: What can cider learn from other categories?

Alcoholic Drinks

Alcoholic drinks is the aggregation of beer, wine, spirits, cider/perry and RTDs.

See All of Our Definitions


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