Consumer Values and Behaviour in Belgium

June 2024

This report visually explores everyday habits and behaviours which reflect consumers' beliefs and values, linking behavioural trends with purchase and consumption habits. 

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Consumer Lifestyle reports provide detailed snapshorts of the behaviours, attitudes and spending patterns of consumers in 40 countries. 

The Lifestyles reports offer valuable statistics and insights into key consumer traits and values, linking behaviour trends with purchase and consumption habits. Using lifestyles survey data, these reports quantify behaviours, preferences and motivations both now and in the future across specific consumer-related topics relating to how consumers live, shop, work and play in 40 markets. Analysis is also included on how Euromonitor’s 8 focus megatrends, the longer-term shifts in consumer attitudes and behaviour, are playing out in each of the 40 countries. Consumer lifestyles are constantly shifting. Understanding behavioural shifts is vital for businesses to stay competitive and adapt to in order to capitalise on new opportunities.

The Consumer Lifestyle in Belgium report includes:

Lifestyles survey data and analysis on consumer values, behaviour and future expectations on topics such as life priorities, home and work life, ethical and health priorities and eating, leisure and shopping habits and use of technology. Consumer Megatrends covered are: Connected Consumers Ethical Living Experience More Healthy Living Middle Class Retreat Premiumisation Shifting Market Frontiers Shopping Reinvented

The Consumer Lifestyle in Belgium report answers:

  • How is the consumer mindset in Belgium changing? In Belgium, what are consumer attitudes towards “green” and sustainable products?
  • What values influence consumers in Belgium purchase decisions?
  • Where and how do consumers shop in Belgium?
  • What health-related activities do consumers in Belgium participate in?
  • What megatrends should I focus on in Belgium (and why)?
  • How do I prioritize my investment? I operate in country x, which are the most important megatrends in that country?
  • My product chimes with the Healthy Living trend, what consumer behaviours do I need to consider for innovation planning?
Consumer values and behaviour in Belgium
Consumers are concerned about inflation and expenses associated with basic goods
Making a difference is most important to millennials
Belgian consumers seek out distinctively tailored products
Personalisation is most important for baby boomers
Belgian consumers are way less optimistic about the future than global counterparts
Gen Z most optimistic about their financial future
Millennial Belgians are most eager to socialise with friends at home
Energy efficiency for the home stands out in Belgium consumer preferences
Cooking for yourself remains very popular
Some Belgians do not find going out to eat so convenient
Millennials in Belgium have the least time for cooking
In Belgium , Gen X among most interested in healthy ingredients
Belgian consumers prefer working close to home, especially Gen X
Salary is a primary work priority
Millennials are most eager to have boundaries between work and personal life
Consumers in Belgium enjoy socialising with friends online
Younger generations participate in online courses or remotely join seminars
Belgians seek to maximise the benefits while minimising the cost when travelling
Gen X more prone to looking for affordable relaxation while traveling
Large share of Belgian consumers walk or hike weekly
Group fitness classes most appealing to millennials
Gen X most likely to choose massage for stress management
Belgian consumers are concerned about climate change
Consumers actively striving for eco-friendly and sustainable habits
Consumers motivated to use more energy-efficient products
Civic action is most common among baby boomers
Bargains remain an important factor when shopping
Gen Z love exploring shopping malls
A third of Belgians try to lead a minimalist lifestyle
Private label is less popular among Gen Z Belgium consumers
Consumers subscribe to online streaming services
Belgians expect to increase spending on health and wellness
Gen Z Belgians are planning to spend more on travelling in the next 12 months
Third of Belgium consumers feel ready for unexpected emergencies financially
Part of Gen X are worried about their current financial state
Half of Gen Z consumers are hoping to save more
Belgian consumers actively manage data sharing and privacy settings
Millennials say it is essential to nurture their online reputation
Consumers in Belgium go to social networking websites to update profiles
Younger generations regularly engage in video gaming activities on the internet
Millennial Belgium consumers are more inclined to read customer reviews
Following companies' social media is not as popular compared to global consumers
Younger generations recommend brands to their friends and get discounts

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