
Market research on consumer products, commercial industries, demo...

Market research on consumer products, commercial industries, demographics trends and consumer lifestyles in Denmark. Includes comprehensive data and analysis, tables and charts, with five-year forecasts.

Country Report

Store Cards in Denmark

Nov 2023

Store cards continue to lose popularity in Denmark, with the number of cards in circulation expected to fall slightly, with total transaction value falling significant. This is in spite of rising inflation. Store cards have not kept up with…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Cooking Ingredients and Meals in Denmark

Nov 2023

Inflation is leading to high unit price growth in all categories in cooking ingredients in meals, pushing value rises over 2022 and 2023. Edible oils has seen much fluctuation due to the deficit of raw materials, transportation difficulties,…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Edible Oils in Denmark

Nov 2023

Edible oils in Denmark saw record unit price increases in 2022 and at the beginning of 2023, along with significant declines in volume sales. This is the result of supply shortages due to the war in Ukraine. Olive oil has seen high price increases…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Meals and Soups in Denmark

Nov 2023

Variety and freshness are proving key in the further development of ready meals. Efficient supply chains that promote freshness as well as greater attention to ingredients are enabling more appetising ready meal products. Flash freezing and day fresh…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Sauces, Dips and Condiments in Denmark

Nov 2023

In 2023 sauces, dips and condiments is seeing normalisation in sales following the boom experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the rising convenience trend and less time spent preparing home cooked meals, cooking at home still remains…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Sweet Spreads in Denmark

Nov 2023

Sweet spreads is seeing falling volume sales in 2023 though the category is rising significantly in terms of value sales. With the ongoing return to pre-pandemic lifestyles, Danes are spending less time at home and thus their need for stables such as…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Baked Goods in Denmark

Nov 2023

The health and wellness movement continues to drive demand for organic and eco-friendly products within baked goods. Even though many Danes are on the lookout for cost-effective options, they are increasingly open to paying a premium for products…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Breakfast Cereals in Denmark

Nov 2023

Breakfast cereals, along with most packaged food categories, faced notable price hikes in 2022, precipitated by high inflation and wheat shortages. Thus, the category saw double-digit growth in current value terms in 2022 but a slight decline in…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Processed Fruit and Vegetables in Denmark

Nov 2023

Organic food is popular among Danish consumers, with it being seen to embody a blend of quality, health, and environmental responsibility. They typically often associate organic products with fewer pesticides, better nutritional value, and a lower…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Processed Meat, Seafood and Alternatives To Meat in Denmark

Nov 2023

Sales of processed poultry have continued to grow in retail volume terms in 2023 despite the high price hikes caused by inflation and the increase in the cost of raw materials and energy. These products are still relatively cheap compared to other…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Rice, Pasta and Noodles in Denmark

Nov 2023

Sales of rice, pasta, and noodles saw a sharp decline in sales in retail volume terms in 2022 with only modest growth seeing seen in 2023. This can be attributed in large part to a stabilisation of demand following the dynamic growth experienced in…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Staple Foods in Denmark

Nov 2023

In 2023, the foodservice industry has shown further signs of recovery, leading to stabilised sales of staple foods, while retail sales have reverted to pre-pandemic patterns. However, due to global political and economic instability, Denmark has…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Coffee in Denmark

Nov 2023

Standard fresh coffee volume sales continued to slide in 2023 as an increasing number of Danes are cutting down on the amount of coffee that they drink daily. Younger consumers are likely to consume fewer cups of coffee than their older counterparts,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Hot Drinks in Denmark

Nov 2023

The hot drinks market is facing falling volume sales as younger consumer segments, in particular, are opting to consume hot drinks less frequently in key categories, particularly coffee. However, value sales remain positive as, while consuming less…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Other Hot Drinks in Denmark

Nov 2023

The sales of chocolate-based flavoured powder drinks, the only category of other hot drinks available in Denmark, declined in 2023 as the category is increasingly considered unhealthy. Typically, these drinks are consumed by children and Danish…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Tea in Denmark

Nov 2023

Denmark is considered to be a country of coffee lovers. Tea, in many respects, is considered simply a seasonal hot drink. In 2023, overall, tea volumes were moderately down, with decline driven by falling sales of black tea. This category is mature…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Bottled Water in Denmark

Dec 2023

Bottled water off-trade volume sales grew in 2023 thanks to increasingly health conscious Danish consumers looking for healthier drink options. While non-flavoured sparking and still bottled water sales only saw moderate volume growth, flavoured and…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Carbonates in Denmark

Dec 2023

Overall carbonates volume sales saw continued growth in 2023, driven by increased sales of reduced sugar carbonates. The migration from regular carbonates to reduced sugar options was strong during the year. The high sugar content of regular…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Concentrates in Denmark

Dec 2023

The volume decline of concentrates accelerated in 2023. Traditionally, the concentrates category in Denmark is mostly comprised of liquid concentrates with fruit flavour. The category has been struggling due to a lack of investment and innovation…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Energy Drinks in Denmark

Dec 2023

Energy drinks posted overall positive volume growth in 2023. This was driven by reduced sugar energy drinks sales, while regular energy drinks experienced a slight decline in volume sales. Regular energy drinks still account for a larger share of…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Juice in Denmark

Dec 2023

Overall juice volume sales grew moderately in 2023 thanks to the positive performance of not from concentrate 100% juice and coconut and other plant waters. These are the only areas within juice that consumers consider to be healthy, and are,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

RTD Coffee in Denmark

Dec 2023

Demand for RTD coffee remains limited in Denmark but is expanding rapidly amidst rising consumer awareness. RTD coffee is largely reliant on impulse purchases, as the product is known mainly as a more convenient alternative to the fresh, hot coffee…

USD 1,195
Country Report

RTD Tea in Denmark

Dec 2023

RTD tea volume sales saw healthy growth in 2023 thanks largely to rising demand in two key areas – the emerging carbonated RTD tea and kombucha category, which saw double-digit volume growth during the year, and reduced sugar RTD tea. Both these…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Soft Drinks in Denmark

Dec 2023

Soft drinks saw moderate volume growth in the Danish market in 2023. Value growth was stronger as inflation and increased costs affected the pricing of soft drink products. However, soft drinks clearly had its winners and losers, with growth rates…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Sports Drinks in Denmark

Dec 2023

Sports drinks sales doubled in 2023 as the Prime brand entered the category and introduced reduced sugar products to Denmark. Up until 2023, only regular sports drinks were available in the Danish market. Previously, sports drinks sales were…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Air Treatment Products in Denmark

Dec 2023

Retail volume sales of air treatment products are normalising following the fluctuations of recent years, when the COVID-19 pandemic boosted demand. In the post-pandemic era, there has been less immediate need for air treatment products. Household…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Consumer Appliances in Denmark

Dec 2023

Danish economic conditions have softened in 2023 with the rate of inflation easing and retail prices moderating in most categories. Excess levels of stock have encouraged retailers to pursue price cutting strategies in a bid to stimulate demand,…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Dishwashers in Denmark

Dec 2023

Retail volume sales continue to decrease in 2023, following the high level demand seen at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many households replaced existing dishwashers during this period as consumers were in lockdown, and so given the lengthy…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Food Preparation Appliances in Denmark

Dec 2023

Food preparation appliances witnessed a strong increase in retail volume sales during the pandemic years, but this was followed by a sharp downward trend in 2022. With so many households having invested during the pandemic, there was less immediate…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Home Laundry Appliances in Denmark

Dec 2023

Volume sales decreased for a second consecutive year in 2023, although the downward trend was not as steep as in 2022. Home laundry appliances are still recoiling from a spike in sales at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. With…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Large Cooking Appliances in Denmark

Dec 2023

Input costs for manufacturers of large cooking appliances remain elevated in 2023 due to stubborn inflation, putting upward pressure on retail prices. Nevertheless, the growth in price increases has moderated in 2023 relative to the previous year,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Microwaves in Denmark

Dec 2023

Microwaves saw a further decline in retail volumes sales in 2023, with overall volumes reaching a low point in this review period. The majority of Danish homes already have a microwave, as households value the convenience attributes of this type of…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Personal Care Appliances in Denmark

Dec 2023

Personal care appliances saw a decline in retail volume sales in 2023, as consumer purchasing power remained constrained. Danish households have shifted spending priorities towards more essential everyday goods. Nevertheless, inflation subsided…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Refrigeration Appliances in Denmark

Dec 2023

There was a further contraction in retail volume sales in 2023, following the spike at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The volume decrease reflects the weak demand for refrigeration appliances and the length of replacement cycles. Refrigeration…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Small Cooking Appliances in Denmark

Dec 2023

After the sharp decline in retail volume sales in 2022, small cooking appliances saw a slight rise in current value sales in 2022. Nevertheless, sales volumes continued to fall in 2023, albeit at a much softer downward trend. On balance, there is…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Vacuum Cleaners in Denmark

Dec 2023

In 2023, the vacuum cleaners category is still normalising after the boom in volume sales seen at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been less immediate need for households to purchase vacuum cleaners. Demand has also been constrained by…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Cafés/Bars in Denmark

Feb 2024

Cafés/bars saw extraordinary growth in value and volume terms in 2022 as pandemic-related restrictions were lifted. Bars/pubs faced the steepest decline in sales while the restrictions were in place and thus with the easing of restrictions, there was…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Consumer Foodservice By Location in Denmark

Feb 2024

The consumer foodservice landscape in Denmark is undergoing a shift, marked by the ongoing recovery of the tourism sector after the pandemic. This resurgence was particularly evident in the increasing share of foodservice sales through travel and…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Consumer Foodservice in Denmark

Feb 2024

Consumer foodservice in Denmark saw a strong recovery in 2022 with sales successfully recovering to pre-pandemic levels both in terms of the volume and value of transactions. While sales continued to grow in current value terms in 2023 it was at a…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Full-Service Restaurants in Denmark

Feb 2024

Full-service restaurants remains the largest consumer foodservice category in Denmark in value terms in 2023.

USD 1,195
Country Report

Limited-Service Restaurants in Denmark

Feb 2024

Limited-service restaurants performed better than many other foodservice channels following the outbreak of COVID-19. The category benefited from players adapting to COVID-19 restrictions by offering takeaway and delivery services to help keep…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Self-Service Cafeterias in Denmark

Feb 2024

Following the relaxation of COVID-19-related restrictions that directly impacted self-service cafeterias in early 2022, Denmark experienced a return to a semblance of normalcy reminiscent of the pre-pandemic era. There was a surge in demand for…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Street Stalls/Kiosks in Denmark

Feb 2024

Street stalls/kiosks saw a partial recovery in 2022 with demand driven by the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. Aside from locals spending more time outside the home sales also benefited from a recovery in inbound tourism, with street stalls/kiosks…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Air Care in Denmark

Feb 2024

Air care did not escape the spike in retail current unit prices in 2022 and 2023 due to high inflationary pressure. As in other home care categories, this brought higher inputs costs (energy, materials, labour, shipping, etc) and resulted in…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Bleach in Denmark

Feb 2024

Bleach witnessed a spike in retail volume sales in 2020 in light of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic as households prioritised cleanliness and hygiene in the face of the virus threat. However, demand has normalised and returned to pre-pandemic…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Dishwashing in Denmark

Feb 2024

Inflation continued to translate into higher retail price points in 2023. Higher manufacturer and retailer input costs, for example, increased operating costs like material sourcing, rental levels and salary costs, leading to higher price points.…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Home Care in Denmark

Feb 2024

Retail current value sales of home care rose in 2023, underpinned by the effects of an inflationary climate on retail selling prices. Higher prices enabled players to drive current value growth amid the general downward trajectory of home care retail…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Insecticides in Denmark

Feb 2024

As in other categories of home care, inflationary pressure amid high input prices, supply chain disruptions, high freight costs and higher labour costs all informed upward movements in retail selling prices towards the end of the review period,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Laundry Care in Denmark

Feb 2024

Retail current value sales of laundry care continued to increase in 2023, supported by inflationary pressure, as retail volume sales continued to drop. Overall, increases in the cost of raw materials, shipping costs, labour wages and energy have led…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Polishes in Denmark

Feb 2024

Consistent with observations across home care, polishes in Denmark witnessed strong increases in retail current unit prices towards the end of the review period, including 2023. Still relatively high inflation amid higher input costs (energy,…

USD 1,195
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