Disruptive Trends in Digital Banks in Asia Pacific and Australasia - III: Recommendations

April 2023

Besides building ecosystem partnerships, banks have to balance between convenience and data privacy and risk control, on alternative data usage. Also, BNPL poses a threat to banks’ growth, if banks do not undertake concrete actions on partnerships and product development. Moreover, next-generation digital banks will break through in invisible banking, hyper-personalisation, block-chain secured transactions, and 3-D virtual banking.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key findings

Next-gen digital banks are expected to launch after 2025

The current generation of digital banks are mostly mobile only (first), eliminating the need to visit branches. However, they are still not intelligent enough, while data is underutilised.

Next-gen digital banks will have the characteristics of invisible banking, hyper-personalisation, block-chain secured transactions, and 3-D virtual banking backed by 5G/6G.

Lack of products for families and seniors

Most of the digital banks in the region mainly focus on products and services for young individuals. Joint saving goals, mortgages and children’s insurance can be differentiating areas.

Also, key markets including Japan and China show ageing trends. Wealth and retirement planning by remote advisory should be on the roadmap, to grow with customers aged 40+.

Addressing data security and privacy to promote adoption and usage

Despite digital banks offering great convenience from account opening to ecosystem usage, some consumers, especially elderly ones, are still sceptical about security and privacy.

How to address their concerns on data security control and data sharing will be valuable to drive application and usage of digital banks.

Threat and opportunities in BNPL

BNPL has shown faster growth compared with other lending products, benefiting the rise of players such as Atome. Commercial banks may share the pie of market growth, by prudent assessment and partnership with BNPL firms.

Regulatory development also has to be accelerated to enable banks with similar offerings to compete fairly with BNPL firms.

Key findings
Recap of part I and part II
Why relevant for digital banks, incumbents, non-bank consumer businesses and fintechs?
Performance tracking and benchmarking essential for strategic planning and communications (1)
Performance tracking and benchmarking essential for strategic planning and communications (2)
Digital banks at a prime time to target population aged 20-40 in Asia Pacific and Australasia
Alliance with corporate banks, top universities and car dealers to capture category growth
What are the implications of broader BNPL adoption?
Speak locally in different generations’ languages and develop ChatGPT capabilities
All in-app journey and sentiment analysis critical to improve experience
Handle customer privacy with high security to gain customers’ trust
Be transparent and enable data sharing control option for customers
Digital bank development is accelerating to stage IV globally
Four key areas of intelligent banking development
Key actions to capture digital bank development opportunities
13 researched markets for consumer finance in Asia Pacific and Australasia
% Internet banking penetration

Consumer Finance

This is the aggregation of ATM, charge, credit, debit, e-purse and retail cards. Note that smart cards are not included in financial cards.

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