
Market research on consumer products, commercial industries, demo...

Market research on consumer products, commercial industries, demographics trends and consumer lifestyles in Finland.

Country Report

Booking in Finland

Sep 2023

COVID-19 dealt a serious blow to booking in Finland. At the height of the pandemic, outbound travel was minimal, compared to normal levels, although domestic travel became more appealing. However, increased domestic travel did not compensate for the…

USD 1,195
Country Report

HW Dairy Products and Alternatives in Finland

Aug 2024

No sugar was the most dynamic health and wellness claim in dairy products and alternatives in Finland in retail volume growth terms in 2023. Buoyant demand for products with this positioning reflected rising awareness among consumers that being…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Finland

Mar 2024

The slowdown in the economy has not hit apparel and footwear specialists in Finland as hard as grocery retailers. Pent-up demand for clothing purchases since the pandemic, especially to wear at parties and celebrations, has sustained sales growth in…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Consumer Foodservice By Location in Finland

Feb 2024

Standalone continued to dominate the number of consumer foodservice outlets, transactions and value sales in Finland in 2023. Standalone’s shares of these metrics have not seen significant change during the review period. At the same time, standalone…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Sports Drinks in Finland

Dec 2023

Sports drinks in Finland continues to see sales patterns normalise following the COVID-19 pandemic, with steady growth in the off-trade. In 2023, unit prices have continued to rise due to inflation and higher production costs, which has forced…

USD 1,195
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