From Sustainability to Purpose: Laundry & Auto Dish Detergent Brand Packaging Policies

January 2021

Leading laundry and dishwashing detergent makers are frequent targets for environmental campaigners due to a plastic packaging dependence intrinsic to the FMCG industry for decades. Plastic addiction is a critical issue, classed as a major corporate risk in shareholder reports from some brands. Solutions so far have focused on better ways of using plastic (recycling and biodegradable options), but the rising reuse and refill trend among Conscious Consumers offers superior “closed loop” ideas.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key findings from this series of reports

Are unit dose tablet detergents fit for purpose in laundry care and dishwashing?

PVOH tablets create strong value for the brands and clearly many consumers appreciate simpler dosing solutions versus self-measuring liquids or powders. However, dosing guidance from detergent brands has fallen behind appliance usage and requires an update; at least in Europe, the gap is set to grow in 2021 through regulations. Unit dose tablets do not exhibit the worst laundry dose guidance issues, but dishwasher dosing requires a major overhaul, and washing machine manufacturers could help users far more with dosing accuracy.

Sustainability and Plastics: laundry care and dishwashing unit dose tablet detergents

Increasing use of PVOH tablets is part of the sustainability strategy for detergent leaders reducing plastic waste in the industry. This is about chemical concentration and reducing packaging, but also the unique quality of PVOH to be a barrier to but also disappear in the presence of water. The brands also work on making widely-used plastics such as PP viable to recycle, grow new business models around “reuse” and reduce new plastic footprints with more post-consumer recyclate use.

Spotlight - the implications for waste plastics in choosing unit dose detergents

A 2019/2020 plastic audit was performed on select detergents bought in the UK and France from industry leaders such as P&G, Henkel, Unilever and Reckitt Benckiser. From the data generated, if PVOH does fully dissolve and fully biodegrade in waste water, converting a user from liquid detergent to PVOH tablets means approximately 40% less plastic per wash (laundry is slightly less, dishwashing slightly more). If however PVOH does not behave in real life as planned, it needs to be accounted for, in which case, the plastic per wash can increase around 30%.

Spotlight - the role of urbanisation in appliance capacity trends and unit dose

Living space per person is declining; obscuring factors are worth knowing about, harming “size of opportunity” data based on “number of households”. Living space pressure is driving appliance strategy for capacity polarisation, justifying micro devices designed for smallest spaces or going off-floor to save footprint as well as efforts towards space optimisation inside full-sized appliances. This is a key factor within the gap observed between appliance usage and detergent brand dosing guidelines, exacerbated by the inflexibility of unit dose solutions.

Detergent formats and what we mean by “unit dose”
Laundry PVOH tablets grow from niche (wrapped is now negligible)
Unit dose tablets (especially PVOH) are stronger in dishwashing
A series of reports look at various impacts of unit dose detergents
The focus of this report is sustainability and plastic waste policies
Our unsustainable addiction to plastic packaging…in numbers
Key findings from this series of reports
COVID-19 challenges some fundamental futurology assumptions
It is just a matter of time before new plastic waste becomes a focus
Global plastic production and what gets into the environment
Types of plastic, uses and their sustainability credentials
Most plastic claims to be “recyclable”; a lot less really gets recycled
Recycling varies by region, influenced by exported plastic waste
Circularity and biodegradability are arguably the critical elements
Recycling is at times a valve, releasing pressure to be “plastic-free”
One rub is that biodegradability and recycling are often in conflict
Incidences of claimed “biodegradable” plastics that don’t degrade
A cliff edge lies ahead, along with a figurative industry “leap of faith”
There is a spotlight report in the series focusing just on plastics
Law of unintended consequences; fix one issue and create another
Any packaging ideas that pull from other industries take risks
Packaging and plastics are under ever greater social scrutiny
Sustainability’s role transitions from being a “cost” to mission critical
Tablet penetration shows PVOH concentrated in US and Europe
This penetration view also highlights category and company gaps
Commitments and policies for use of plastics in packaging*
“Recyclable” is only a claim… how to then facilitate real action?
Black items cannot be identified by ultraviolet visual sorting systems
P&G view consumers moving to pods as key to saving on plastic
A view supported by the European Vice President of Fabric Care
More impactful after the planned pouches replace the current box
P&G has high-profile involvement addressing plastic waste issues
P&G solving both eco and e-commerce issues with one action
Commitments and policies for use of plastics in packaging*
Unilever identifies five development areas building plastic circularity
Plastic recovery and circularity continues into the 2020 thinking
Unilever is investing to improve flexible plastic recycling feasibility
There are shorter-term wins to be had in cutting virgin plastic use
While experimenting with blue sky “No Plastic” options is ongoing
Commitments and policies for use of plastics in packaging*
Henkel approaches this as a 3-phase programme to plastic circularity
One project is Newcycled® packaging recovery (reused plastic)
Henkel is working on multiple solutions to recycle black plastic
Henkel extends Plastic Bank “social plastic” recycling platform
Commitments and policies for use of plastics in packaging*
Reckitt Benckiser keeps looking to expand single-dose stain action
The partnership with Veolia targets Finish Quantum with 30% PCR
Recycling and biodegradation of plastic are incomplete solutions
Reuse and refill boomed in 2020, across retailers and categories
Before facing recycling, refill extends the use life of plastic in-home
This invokes the “milk bottle” returns model, with nicer packaging
SC Johnson was the first corporate “refill” champion with Ecover
Unilever is also now beginning refill experiments in stores
Reuse is a core part of Unilever’s plastic reduction commitment
Multiple Unilever categories and regions where refill is tested
Multiple Unilever categories and regions where refill is tested
Amazon offers D2C subscriptions for products such as Cif’s example
Think for a moment; HDPE has many lives, but travels every time
The Asda test Unilever joined is a “reduce, refill, reuse” platform
Marks & Spencer expands a 2019 food refill trial to a second store
Refill and reuse is clearly taking off rapidly now in dry food
Refill also includes home care fluids as the second major category
Plastic promises and what they mean to virgin and PCR plastic use
Expansive yet reductive?
“Recyclable” is needed in reality and not just as a way to avoid guilt
Getting packaging back in the loop after use is a known barrier
Reuse offers plastic savings magnitudes better than anything else
The rise of Conscious Consumers is visible in many 2020 attitudes
Considerations to enter the refill/reuse trend are not insignificant
Barriers and practicalities for building refill/reuse business models
Concentrated PVOH tablets are (at best) a small part of a solution
Trend leaders are deep into lifecycle assessments for materials
It is even more critical to keep metal packaging inside the loop
There is no single fix for an issue of this scale; we need to do it all

Home Care

This is the aggregation of laundry care, dishwashing products, surface care, chlorine bleach, toilet care, polishes, air fresheners and insecticides.

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