Home Care: Quarterly Statement Q1 2021

March 2021

This briefing looks at changes in Euromonitor International’s home care forecasts across the 54 markets covered by the Industry Forecast Model, as part of our quarterly forecast review. An update of macroeconomic factors, including GDP growth and unemployment rates, has led to a marginal downgrade of our forecast projections. Complementing the existing pessimistic COVID-19 forecast scenarios, an optimistic scenario has been added to account for the possibility of a faster pandemic recovery.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key findings

Slow economic recovery from pandemic downturn

Global GDP projections remain well below pre-pandemic levels. COVID-19 is still spreading and, in many countries, social distancing measures remain in place. Home care was among the very few industries that saw growth as a result of the pandemic outbreak, albeit in deteriorating economic circumstances. The threat to health and home seclusion have proven to be very powerful consumption drivers.

Home care relatively income inelastic, as other factors more important

When analysing home care demand drivers, income is of secondary importance. Consumption of home care products is primarily linked to (perceived) necessity. As home care is strongly linked to hygiene, this necessity increased considerably during the pandemic. Consumers started prioritising their expenditure on hygiene-related products, and this is expected to continue in the forecast period. Compared to other industries, home care is relatively income inelastic.

Minor quarterly downgrade globally due to Asia Pacific

The Q1 quarterly update meant a slight decline in actual value sales across the 54 markets, translating into a value sales contraction of USD333 million by 2025. Among these markets, India saw the strongest downgrade in forecast value, as the country was among the countries worst impacted economically by the pandemic. It is set to make a slow recovery, with GDP forecast to return to growth by 2021 and staying positive over the forecast period.

Highest unmet potential in Asia Pacific and Middle East and Africa

Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa are the two regions with the highest unmet potential globally. A combination of low per capita spending and rising average disposable income in many of their markets provides fertile ground for consumer migration to more sophisticated product areas within home care. The shift from manual to automatic laundry in Asia Pacific alone is set to add an additional USD3.7 billion in laundry detergent sales by the end of the forecast period.

Key findings
Data and reporting timeline
Forecast drivers
Hard vs soft drivers: Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 on home care
What have we learned about home care routines during the pandemic?
Income not the main growth driver in home care
Impact of GDP growth update on global home care market
COVID-19 Scenarios: Assessing pessimistic scenario impact on home care
COVID-19 Scenarios: Optimistic scenario – a more positive outlook
India sees the most significant downgrade in this quarterly update
The Industry Forecast Model helps to determine unmet market potential
India: Pressure on product price limits forecast growth potential
The Asian Century: A re-engagement with cleaning in the west
Asia Pacific: New product development with a focus on disinfecting
Sustainability: Short term loser, long term winner
Global baseline outlook: Downside risks to the recovery have declined
Uncertainty remains high, but with a more optimistic tilt
Real GDP annual growth forecasts and revisions from last quarter, AE (%, percentage points)
Real GDP annual growth forecasts and revisions from last quarter, EMDE (%, percentage points)
COVID-19 scenarios summary
Euromonitor International and COVID-19: Forecasts and analysis

Home Care

This is the aggregation of laundry care, dishwashing products, surface care, chlorine bleach, toilet care, polishes, air fresheners and insecticides.

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