Home Care

Market research on the home care industry. Our reports feature a ...

Market research on the home care industry. Our reports feature a wealth of standardised and cross-comparable statistics including total market sizes, market share and share data, distribution and industry trends.

Strategy Briefing

Global Inflation Tracker: Q3 2022

Sep 2022

This report examines inflation levels and drivers globally and in key countries. Global inflation is reaching a peak, although geopolitical risks and uncertainty in the energy market remain key risks. The impact varies between countries, with…

USD 1,475
Strategy Briefing

Global Inflation Tracker: Q4 2022

Dec 2022

This report examines inflation levels and drivers globally and in key countries. Global inflation is reaching a peak, although geopolitical risks and uncertainty in the energy market remain key risks. The impact varies between countries, with…

USD 1,475
Strategy Briefing

Global Inflation Tracker: Q4 2023

Nov 2023

This report examines inflation levels and drivers globally and in key countries in Q4 2023 and 2024. Global inflation is moderating, although divergence remains among the key economies. Higher volatility in the energy markets and disruption of…

USD 1,475
Strategy Briefing

Global Recovery Tracker: Q1 2021

Mar 2021

The global outlook has improved as of Q1 2021, thanks to vaccination progress in many developed countries. Nevertheless, the recovery prospects remain distant for most economies in the face of the spread of new, more infectious variants of the virus.…

USD 1,475
Strategy Briefing

Global Recovery Tracker: Q3 2020

Nov 2020

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has triggered the most severe global recession in nearly a century. Businesses are operating in a world of anxieties and uncertainties, not knowing what will be the new normal or when output and consumer spending…

USD 1,475
Strategy Briefing

Global Recovery Tracker: Q4 2020

Dec 2020

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has triggered the most severe global recession since World War II. In Q4 2020, the end of the pandemic started as countries began administering effective vaccines among the population; however, vaccine distribution…

USD 1,475
Country Report

Home Care in Argentina

Feb 2024

The business environment of the home care industry in Argentina was characterised by uncertainty in 2023. During the year, significant macroeconomic and political factors shaped people’s consumption choices.

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Bolivia

Feb 2024

Bolivia is currently facing a shortage of foreign currency in its economy, with the US dollar becoming scarce due to diminishing international reserves. As a result, the commission costs of financial intermediation have increased, raising the…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Brazil

Feb 2024

In 2023, home care in Brazil recorded high single-digit retail value growth, while decreasing inflation rates impacted the performances of all categories and several home care players. Despite previous challenges posed by supply chain disruptions…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Chile

Feb 2024

In contrast to earlier in the review period, when the Chilean economy was an oasis within Latin America and witnessed a constant rise in GDP, minimal inflation rates, and robust employment levels, 2022 and 2023 were characterised by economic…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Colombia

Feb 2024

In 2023, home care products registered notable price hikes, with most rising above inflation which continued to increase year on year. Consumers have felt a decrease in purchasing power since 2022, but this trend became more acute in 2023 with…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Costa Rica

Feb 2024

While there was still economic uncertainty, inflationary pressure eased significantly in 2023, even falling into deflation territory for part of the year. With the improved economic situation, home care registered healthy current value and modest…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Dominican Republic

Feb 2024

In 2023, inflationary pressures in the Dominican Republic weakened, with the country seeing greater price stability compared to the previous year. With consumer confidence improving slightly, retail volume sales bounced back to post a moderate…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Ecuador

Feb 2024

Ecuador's GDP has risen steadily in 2023 and is projected to reach growth of 2.1% by the end of the year, whilst unemployment has declined by 3.2%. Despite these positive economic indicators, consumers have been cautious with their spending. High…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in El Salvador

Feb 2024

Home care sales grew strongly in 2023 though demand dipped for products that disinfect surfaces, such as bleach, floor cleaners and surface care. El Salvador relies heavily on imports to meet domestic demand therefore rising global commodity prices…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Guatemala

Feb 2024

Home care registered healthy current value growth, though constant value and volume growth was more muted, as inflation still continued to be an issue, though price rises eased. Political instability rising from the 2023 election also created a…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Honduras

Feb 2024

In 2023, the prices of home care continued to rise, though to a lesser extent than in 2022. Some households turned to lower priced brands and savings formats. Multifunctional cleaning products, such as bleach and powder detergent, remained popular,…

USD 2,750
Strategy Briefing

Home Care in Latin America

Mar 2024

After the spike in demand seen in Latin America in 2020 due to the pandemic, with more time spent at home and heightened cleaning regimes, much weaker demand was seen in the next two years. However, home care enjoyed a stronger performance in 2023,…

USD 1,475
Country Report

Home Care in Mexico

Feb 2024

In 2023, the home care industry in Mexico returned to retail volume growth, which was the trend seen pre-pandemic, although it was not able to return to the 2019 level of sales. Meanwhile, current value growth remained dynamic due to continued high…

USD 2,750
Country Report

Home Care in Panama

Feb 2024

Home care is registered a strong performance in 2023, given the favourable macroeconomic environment in the country. Laundry care and surface care constitute the two largest categories, both of which saw steady consumer demand over the review period.…

USD 2,750
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