Drinks From coffee and kombucha to seltzer and champagne, we explore the latest insights on the consumer trends and new products shaping the drinks industry.

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UPF-free: The Next Big Claim in Food and Drink?

Ilona Fleischmann

Ilona Fleischmann

8 Oct 24

The debate surrounding ultra-processed foods (UPFs) has grown significantly due to concerns about their health impact. This scrutiny is prompting political action, like past regulations on alcohol and tobacco, possibly leading to more regulations in Europe. Amid this regulatory shift, demand for healthier, natural options is strong. Brands can leverage this by tapping into clean label claims and highlight their clean ingredients more effectively.


Growth Opportunities for Chinese Coffee Shops

Jin Liu

Jin Liu

30 Sep 24

Amid fierce competition and a price war in China’s coffee shops, product innovation and differentiation are the key to standing out. China's coffee culture is thriving, transforming coffee into a daily routine for many consumers. Coffee shops have expanded rapidly into lower-tier cities, fuelled by chain expansions, leading to fierce price competition.


Rigid Plastics’ Circularity: Demand for Renewable Packaging Intensifies

Rosemarie Downey

Rosemarie Downey

20 Sep 24

There is ever-growing expectation for sustainable packaging. The search for better is reflected in consumer sentiment and regulatory attention. The focus on plastic goes wide with regulation increasingly the lever used to secure more rapid progress on the road towards a circular economy.


How E-Commerce Is Reshaping the Cola Wars

Rabia Yasmeen

Rabia Yasmeen

20 Sep 24

The cola wars between Coca-Cola and Pepsi have long defined the global soft drinks industry. The two market leaders have continuously reshaped the carbonated drinks business through product innovation and marketing, leading to intense competition and unusually high levels of brand loyalty. However, digitisation and changing consumer preferences are leading to structural shifts in cola carbonates, setting up a new showdown between the market leaders as they need to rethink where and how to play.


Innovation in Soft Drinks: Fewer Launches, More Functional Focus

Howard Telford

Howard Telford

23 Aug 24

Soft drinks innovation strategy in 2024 is being developed in the context of a more challenging economic and financial environment. Sharp rises in the cost-of-living have made premium-priced products (generally the focus of beverage innovation investment) more difficult for consumers to afford and adopt


Personalising the Drinking Experience in the Technological Age

Anna Ward

Anna Ward

14 Aug 24

The impact of technological advances and the rise of digital channels is now unmistakably evident across alcoholic drinks. One promising consequence is an increasingly personalised consumer experience, facilitated by tailored communication and customised drinks. And that can take many guises.

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