About 3,007 results

Voice of the Industry: Sustainability Survey 2024 Key Insights

Jorge Zuniga

Jorge Zuniga

12 Jul 24

Amid ongoing inflation, intensifying geopolitical issues, and climate-related supply chain disruptions, the focus on sustainability seems to be taking a back seat to immediate concerns such as profitability. In fact, there was a 7-percentage-point decrease between 2023 and 2024 in businesses stating they have a sustainability strategy in place.


Megatrends: Quantifying Digital Living

Tim Chuah

Tim Chuah

12 Jul 24

Digital Living is among the largest megatrends driving consumer behaviour, second behind only Convenience. To quantify the impact of Digital Living and other megatrends on consumers, Euromonitor International has created a quantification model to assess the impact of these long-term trends.


Supply Chain Diversification Supports Growth of the New Trade Hubs, but Further Action is Needed

Justinas Liuima

Justinas Liuima

11 Jul 24

Growing political and economic tensions are leading to supply chain diversification efforts, with new regional trade hubs emerging in Asia, Europe and the Americas. However, it remains unclear if new manufacturing hubs can fully replace China in global supply chains due to China's dominance in the hi-tech goods sector and underdeveloped supporting industries in other countries.


Future of Consumption: A Strategic Roadmap

An Hodgson

An Hodgson

11 Jul 24

Businesses today face the challenge of achieving and accelerating growth amid historically weak economic expansion and a rapidly changing environment. To unlock growth opportunities and proactively position themselves ahead of the competition, brands must understand what, where, and why changes are happening in the consumer space.


Beauty and Personal Care in Eastern Europe: A Steady Rise with Turbulence Beneath the Surface

Povilas Sugintas

Povilas Sugintas

11 Jul 24

Buoyed by rising disposable incomes and discretionary spending approaching the levels similar to those enjoyed by their Western counterparts, Eastern European consumers drove steady growth in the beauty and personal care industry over the last few years. The pandemic, geopolitical shocks such as the war in Ukraine and the consequent inflation surge – none of them managed to derail continuous expansion of sales. Even the exorbitant price increases did not stop consumers moving towards more sophisticated products rather than trading down or reducing usage occasions.

Press Release


Euromonitor International

Euromonitor International

10 Jul 24



Top Trends Shaping the Beauty and Personal Care Industry in 2024

Kayla Villena

Kayla Villena

9 Jul 24

The beauty and personal care industry outperformed expectations for 2023, driven by both mass and premium segments, steady growth in key beauty-centric categories, premiumisation in personal care categories, and growing consumer confidence. Euromonitor International takes a deeper look at four key trends that are adding value for consumers and impacting beauty consumption.



Taro Yamato

Taro Yamato

4 Jul 24



Women’s Sportswear: The Big Winner of Paris 2024 Olympics?

Suzi Gardner

Suzi Gardner

3 Jul 24

For the first time ever, the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will feature an equal number of female and male athletes, which is expected to increase fan interest and opportunities for women and girls to participate in sports. In recent years, women’s professional sports fandom and women’s participation in athletics have been on the rise, leading to opportunities for sportswear brands to appeal to women’s sports fans and female athletes alike through sponsorships, product launches and event activations.
