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Free From Food Amsterdam 2024

Rasa Vaiciuniene

Rasa Vaiciuniene

RAI Amsterdam Europaplein 24 1078 GZ Amsterdam (Hall 5 - Entrance L) 5 Nov 24 | CET: 12:30 PM

The 12th Annual edition! Europe’s Leading Free From and Healthy Food Trade Exhibition, initiated by the industry, supported by leading certifying associations, all under one roof.


Seven Types of Consumers to Target

Jana Rude

Jana Rude

22 Aug 24

Segmenting your consumers helps you better understand and reach the right shoppers. We have defined seven types of consumers with distinct personalities. Targeting these types can help you increase conversions or better understand and connect with existing customers.


How Consumer Segmentation Can Help Brands Navigate the Changing Consumer Landscape

Lisa Holmes

Lisa Holmes

22 Aug 24

Consumer segmentation is a powerful tool that helps you better understand and appeal to your audience. Read about four common methods and seven types of consumers to target.


ESOMAR Congress 2024

Jana Rude

Jana Rude

Intercontinental Athenaeum Athens, Syngrou Avenue 89-93 , Athens 11745 10 Sep 24 | EET: 12:20 PM

Join us for a transformative four-day event in Athens, where ancient history meets modern innovation.


Future of Consumption: A Strategic Roadmap

An Hodgson

An Hodgson

11 Jul 24

Businesses today face the challenge of achieving and accelerating growth amid historically weak economic expansion and a rapidly changing environment. To unlock growth opportunities and proactively position themselves ahead of the competition, brands must understand what, where, and why changes are happening in the consumer space.


Top Three Trends in Households

Anjali Jain

Anjali Jain

18 Jun 24

Households are undergoing significant transformations globally, influenced by the shifts in demographics, economics, and technology. With ageing populations and smaller household sizes becoming more prevalent, there is growing demand for personalised products and services that cater to individual needs. Consumers are particularly interested in devices and appliances that enhance connectivity and offer convenience in their daily lives, reflecting a broader trend towards customisation and efficiency in consumer preferences.


Voice of the Consumer: Key Insights 2024

Connor  Malloy

Connor Malloy

5 Jun 24

After a tumultuous past five years, global consumers are looking on the bright side. Explore key insights from Euromonitor's Voice of the Consumer Lifestyles Survey to understand and stay ahead of consumer behaviours and actions driving market trends.


Chart of the Month: Exploring Trends by Generation in Subscription Services

Paula Ferolla

Paula Ferolla

27 May 24

Over the past decade, subscription services have reshaped many of our habits and behaviours, providing us convenience and practicality. For instance, when looking for entertainment options, consumers can now access an endless variety of films and series from the comfort of their own sofas.


eTail London 2024

Marija Milasevic

Marija Milasevic

QEII Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, London SW1P 3EE 25 Jun 24 | GMT: 11:20 AM

Since 1999, eTail has been the gathering place for top retail leaders, serving as the hub for cutting-edge eCommerce and digital marketing strategies.
