Megatrends in Belgium

July 2023

This Megatrends report highlights long-term trends resulting from shifts in consumer values and behaviour. It provides a summary of each of Euromonitor International’s 10 focus megatrends and insights as to how each trend has manifested in Belgium.

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Consumer Lifestyle reports provide detailed snapshorts of the behaviours, attitudes and spending patterns of consumers in 40 countries. 

The Lifestyles reports offer valuable statistics and insights into key consumer traits and values, linking behaviour trends with purchase and consumption habits. Using lifestyles survey data, these reports quantify behaviours, preferences and motivations both now and in the future across specific consumer-related topics relating to how consumers live, shop, work and play in 40 markets. Analysis is also included on how Euromonitor’s 8 focus megatrends, the longer-term shifts in consumer attitudes and behaviour, are playing out in each of the 40 countries. Consumer lifestyles are constantly shifting. Understanding behavioural shifts is vital for businesses to stay competitive and adapt to in order to capitalise on new opportunities.

The Consumer Lifestyle in Belgium report includes:

Lifestyles survey data and analysis on consumer values, behaviour and future expectations on topics such as life priorities, home and work life, ethical and health priorities and eating, leisure and shopping habits and use of technology. Consumer Megatrends covered are: Connected Consumers Ethical Living Experience More Healthy Living Middle Class Retreat Premiumisation Shifting Market Frontiers Shopping Reinvented

The Consumer Lifestyle in Belgium report answers:

  • How is the consumer mindset in Belgium changing? In Belgium, what are consumer attitudes towards “green” and sustainable products?
  • What values influence consumers in Belgium purchase decisions?
  • Where and how do consumers shop in Belgium?
  • What health-related activities do consumers in Belgium participate in?
  • What megatrends should I focus on in Belgium (and why)?
  • How do I prioritize my investment? I operate in country x, which are the most important megatrends in that country?
  • My product chimes with the Healthy Living trend, what consumer behaviours do I need to consider for innovation planning?
The drivers shaping consumer behaviour
Megatrends framework
Businesses harness megatrends to renovate, innovate and disrupt
Colruyt tests unmanned vehicles for last-mile delivery
Millennials are making greater use of tech
Convenient transport options are a priority
Shoppers want to see before they buy…
…but are attracted to the convenience of online shopping
Younger generations are too busy to cook
Digital living
Telenet launches a 360-degree WiFi system
Belgians lag behind their global peers in most areas of tech
Most consumers actively manage their data settings
Millennials most likely to value online anonymity
Friends and family remain the most important source of information
Consumers expect more activities to go online
Diversity and inclusion
Belgium's AB InBev introduces Ukrainian beer brand
Gen X are the most vocal when it comes to expressing political opinion
Millennials want to change the world
Most Belgians are comfortable expressing their identity
Older consumers most likely to buy from trusted companies
Experience more
Orange Belgium and Microsoft launch new cloud gaming subscription service
Friends meet more frequently online
Belgians have a fondness for outdoor activities
Consumers enjoy tailored experiences
More than a fifth of Belgians engage in online video gaming
Action launches new loyalty app allowing for personalised promotions
Belgians are keen to cultivate their online image
Tailor-made products and services are gaining traction
Le Pain Quotidien launches ecological cannabis bread
Consumers seek tailored experiences but don’t want to stand out
Millennials are the most confident in their long-term investments
Taste and quality are paramount in Belgium
Pursuit of value
Decathlon trials new sports equipment subscription service
Belgian consumers like to find bargains
Older generations more concerned about the price of everyday items going up
Belgian consumers are invested in the circular economy
Older generations not as keen to increase their savings as younger cohorts
Shopper reinvented
Amazon launches first dedicated platform for the Belgian market
Belgians want curated experiences tailored to their personal tastes
Belgians far more likely to purchase their travel arrangements online
Belgians not as engaged online as their global counterparts
Baby Boomers not as comfortable engaging online as other cohorts are
Sustainable living
Fost Plus and Morssinkhof Plastics build a recycling plant
Nearly 60% of Belgians are trying to have a positive impact on the planet
Older generations more interested in recycling and repairing their items
Using more energy-efficient products is more important to Belgian consumers than average
Consumers are keen to make their voices heard
Recyclable packaging preferred by Belgian consumers
Delhaize introduces cauliflower-based cheese
Belgians are less actively engaged in wellbeing activities than global average
Younger cohorts take better care of their health and wellbeing than older generations do
Belgians are less concerned about health and safety when they leave their homes
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