No Child’s Play - Kidults Buying Toys

October 2021

Adults buying toys for themselves is giving a much-needed boost to companies in the toys and games industry as the number of children declines. Who are kidults and how can companies engage them?

USD 1,475
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This report comes in PPT.

Key findings

Dolls and construction toys popular with kidults

The limitation of entertainment options fuelled sales of traditional toys and games. A new group of consumers are becoming toy buyers.

Video games help fight  boredom and are free to play

Mobile games are popular with casual gamers who are looking to play to kill time, whereas hardcore gamers demanding an immersive experience grabbed the new generation of game consoles from Xbox and PlayStation.

Casual gaming among adults increasing

A new group of casual adult gamers started to play video games, and video games that are free and easy to play are generally more popular with them.

Singletons and households with no children form a key group of kidult buyers

With higher household income and fewer expenditures, these consumers are willing to spend to relive their childhood.

Movies and TV shows are fuelling demand for related merchandise

Characters that many kidults grew up with are being released in the movies and via online platforms, driving demand for toys and games related to these franchises.

Key findings
Toys and games poised for strong growth over the forecast period
Traditional toys and games - key categories that appeal to adults
Video games - digital playground for adults
A rise in casual gaming among adults
Who are the kidults ?
Single-person households will reach 550 million by 2040
Asia Pacific and Europe have the largest singleton populations
Childless households have time and money to indulge in their hobbies
More families are not having children
Middle-aged workers are earning more money
Younger workers in emerging markets earn more
Popular movies are franchises Millennials and Gen X grew up with
How to engage the kidults

Toys and Games

This is the aggregation of traditional toys and games and video games.

See All of Our Definitions


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