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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Luxury and Fashion: What’s Here and What’s Next?

Marguerite LeRolland Profile Picture
Marguerite LeRolland Bio
Fflur Roberts Profile Picture
Fflur Roberts Bio
Adeife  Onwuzulike  Profile Picture
Adeife Onwuzulike Bio

Adeife Onwuzulike, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at Euromonitor International, knows the true value of working in an inclusive and diverse company. She recently joined Euromonitor from The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) - where she was also Head of Diversity and Inclusion. At the CBI Adeife worked on embedding DEI into the business culture and strategy and created and managed a number of employee networks and worked with their clients on their DEI journey. She worked tirelessly to ensure that the organisation was not only diverse but also a place where all employees felt like they can be their true authentic selves. After almost three years of a global pandemic and political and racial tensions increasing across the globe, issues around DEI have become even more critical for luxury and fashion businesses to address than ever before. The long list of new diversity and inclusion recruits witnessed across the luxury and fashion sector over the last 12 months shows that the needle is indeed moving. However, there is still a long way to go. In this podcast Adeife Onwuzulike shares her expertise and knowledge in this area with Marguerite LeRolland, Head of Fashion and Fflur Robert, Head of Luxury at Euromonitor International and addresses questions around what’s here now and what’s to come next.

For further analysis, read our report, Five Trends Shaping the Global Luxury Goods Landscape. 


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