Recreating Social Occasions

July 2021

This report considers what socialising will look like in a post-COVID-19 era, focusing on several key questions. A return to the “Roaring Twenties” in the beverages space or a continuing decimation of the on-trade? How has socialising changed (eg hometainment trends) and when will the on-trade recover? How will mood management impact this area? Overall, socialising is expected to become more dispersed as work habits shift, with consumers likely remaining cautious, even amidst a desire for normal

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This report comes in PPT.

Key findings

Pandemic reorders social habits, disperses social occasions

After 15-18 months of isolation and remote work, consumer habits are shifting. For many higher-income workers, the post-COVID-19 era will likely involve fewer days working in a central office location, driving a host of weekly social occasions closer to home.

“Great reset” allows new habits to form

Whilst COVID-19 has unquestionably brought new pressures, a pause also allows consumers space to try new activities more in line with current trends, desires, and positions in life, possibly supplanting or complementing socialising habits formed at a much younger age.

Hedonism just one facet of recovery

Though a surge in on-trade demand in the short term (3-6 months) seems relatively likely in many markets as consumers look to reconnect with others, a desire for both safety and convenience will persist. Generational concerns about wellness have become even more salient following pandemic conditions.

High-value experiences as important as ever

Eat-in occasions may account for a smaller percentage of post-COVID-19 purchasing occasions, yet they will continue to account for a significant percentage of premium, high-value occasions. Brands which invest in premium outlet experiences will reap the benefits across a range of in-home and on-the-go purchasing missions.

Linking every point of contact

With brands increasingly competing across a range of social environments, real advantages will accrue to those able to link consumer profiles and data across in-home machines, on-trade environments, advanced vending machines and elsewhere, with smartphones central to these efforts.

Key findings
What will socialising look like in the post-pandemic era?
Recreating Social Occasions
Exploring Recreating Social Occasions
Recreating Social Occasions in-depth
The new “Roaring Twenties”?
A new social geography
The advance of “hometainment”
A new path to purchase
New moods, new occasions
Recreating Social Occasions in focus
Companies are meeting the needs of consumers using various strategies
HEYTEA invests in end-to-end experiences
Tracking the new mobile worker: Rove Hotels/Emaar (United Arab Emirates)
Bringing the on-trade experience home: La Gintonería
New products create new experiences: Three Spirit
New products create new experiences: The Original Cannabis Café
In-home machines drive data everywhere: Miele’s Barista Assistant
Recreating Social Occasions
Key Industry takeaways
Challenges to overcome
Become tomorrow’s next leader

Alcoholic Drinks

Alcoholic drinks is the aggregation of beer, wine, spirits, cider/perry and RTDs.

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