
Market research on the retailing industry. Our reports feature a ...

Market research on the retailing industry. Our reports feature a wealth of standardised and cross-comparable statistics including total market sizes, market share and brand share data, distribution and industry trends.

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Country Report

Vending in Mexico

Mar 2024

In 2023, sales through vending in Mexico (in machines situated in a public environment) registered healthy growth for a third consecutive year in current value terms, confirming that the pandemic is a thing of the past. Although growth was slower…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Supermarkets in Mexico

Mar 2024

In 2023, supermarkets in Mexico registered growth in current value terms, and even saw a more dynamic rate of increase than in the previous year. In fact, during 2022 supermarkets saw a performance well below other channels, such as discounters, as…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Small Local Grocers in Mexico

Mar 2024

In 2023, small local grocers saw only moderate current value growth in Mexico, and in fact during the review period overall, the channel experienced the worst value performance amongst grocery retailers, seeing a value decline. The expansion of…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Retail in Mexico

Mar 2024

After a challenging 2022 due to high inflation, retail sales in Mexico saw healthy growth for a third consecutive year in current value terms in 2023, confirming the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are far behind. In fact, based on the Consumer…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Retail E-Commerce in Mexico

Mar 2024

Retail e-commerce in Mexico demonstrated outstanding double-digit current value growth over the review period, and 2023 was no exception, with growth across most categories. Indeed, the growth rate experienced by e-commerce in Mexico was amongst the…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Hypermarkets in Mexico

Mar 2024

Hypermarkets was the second most dynamic channel within grocery retailers in Mexico in current value terms in 2023, surpassed only by convenience retailers. The latter channel experienced strong outlet expansion in the review period, with even the…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Home Products Specialists in Mexico

Mar 2024

In 2023, home products specialists registered one of the worst performances amongst non-grocery retailers in Mexico (after apparel and footwear specialists), experiencing only low growth in current value terms, along with minimal growth in outlet…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Health and Beauty Specialists in Mexico

Mar 2024

Health and beauty specialists maintained slow growth in outlet numbers and moderate growth in current value terms in Mexico in 2023. Beauty specialists registered the best performance within health and beauty specialists during 2023, with fragrances…

USD 1,100
Country Report

General Merchandise Stores in Mexico

Mar 2024

General merchandise stores, composed of department stores and variety stores, experienced dynamic growth in Mexico in current value terms in 2023. This performance can be explained by the robust outlet expansion seen during 2022 and 2023; far…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Discounters in Mexico

Mar 2024

In 2023, discounters saw growth in Mexico in current value terms; albeit at a slower pace compared with the previous year. During 2022, with inflation putting a strain on wallets, households became more price-conscious as their disposable incomes…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Direct Selling in Mexico

Mar 2024

In 2023, direct selling achieved positive current value growth for a third consecutive year in Mexico; far exceeding the pre-pandemic level of sales. Despite this strong sales performance, the number of direct selling agents contracted again in 2023,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Convenience Retailers in Mexico

Mar 2024

Convenience retailers saw double-digit current value growth in Mexico in 2023, and was the most dynamic channel within grocery retailers. This performance was primarily driven by the strong outlet expansion seen over the course of the review period,…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Appliances and Electronics Specialists in Mexico

Mar 2024

In 2023, appliances and electronics specialists in Mexico registered a positive growth rate in current value terms for a third consecutive year. Despite the end of pandemic, and with many workers still working on an hybrid basis, the demand for…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Mexico

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists registered the worst performance within non-grocery retailers in Mexico in 2023, with a contraction in current value terms, even though the number of outlets continued to rise. With consumers becoming more cautious,…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Vending in Chile

Mar 2024

Following two consecutive years of dynamic, double-digit value growth as a result of pandemic-related restrictions easing, leading to greater mobility outside of the home, vending in Chile recorded sales declines in 2023, as consumers looked to rein…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Supermarkets in Chile

Mar 2024

Despite recording a marginal decline compared to the previous year’s dynamic performance, value sales via supermarkets in Chile remained significantly higher in 2023 compared to pre-pandemic levels, and indeed above any other grocery retail channel…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Small Local Grocers in Chile

Mar 2024

Despite increasing competition from smaller supermarkets and convenience stores, small local grocers in Chile remained an important grocery retail channel in 2023, with value sales continuing to rise. The popularity of this channel is supported by…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Retail in Chile

Mar 2024

A slow year in 2023 was a significant challenge for retail in Chile. Elevated inflation and steady price rises continued to impact the retail industry, leading to a steep drop in demand from consumers, who looked to postpone purchases as much as…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Retail E-Commerce in Chile

Mar 2024

Following robust double-digit value growth over much of the review period, a trend already emerging prior to the pandemic, e-commerce sales in Chile started to stabilise in 2022 in line with greater mobility outside of the home, although they…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Hypermarkets in Chile

Mar 2024

Hypermarkets in Chile, as one of the largest channels within grocery retailers, continued to record a stable, albeit undynamic, performance in 2023. Security concerns remained a relevant issue for operators in hypermarkets at the end of the review…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Home Products Specialists in Chile

Mar 2024

Value sales of home products specialists in Chile, dominated by home improvement and gardening stores, marginally declined in 2023, due to further competition from e-commerce platforms, although they remained above pre-pandemic levels. Independent…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Health and Beauty Specialists in Chile

Mar 2024

Although health and beauty specialists in Chile experienced a marginal decline in 2023 across the channel, value sales remained above pre-pandemic levels. Pharmacies holds the highest share overall, in both outlet and value terms, and continued to…

USD 1,100
Country Report

General Merchandise Stores in Chile

Mar 2024

In 2023, values sales of general merchandise stores in Chile, solely represented by department stores, declined for a second consecutive year. Reduced spending power and the important impact of e-commerce operations of the retailers present in the…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Discounters in Chile

Mar 2024

While local consumers continued to search for more affordable products in 2023 due to high inflation and limited disposable incomes, discounters in Chile struggled to replicate the dynamic value growth and expansion witnessed during the previous two…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Direct Selling in Chile

Mar 2024

Direct selling in Chile remained an important channel in 2023 for local consumers looking to access affordable products, specially for those interested in beauty and personal care. The latter continued to drive value sales in 2023, holding 72% share…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Convenience Retailers in Chile

Mar 2024

Convenience retailers in Chile continued to perform well in 2023, recording another year of double-digit value growth, primarily driven by convenience stores. The latter channel has become increasingly popular among Chileans in local neighbourhoods,…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Appliances and Electronics Specialists in Chile

Mar 2024

As a high number of big-ticket purchases were made during the pandemic years, appliances and electronics specialists in Chile experienced a marginal drop in value sales in 2023. This scenario encouraged many leading players to aggressively adopt…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Chile

Mar 2024

Despite consolidation of value share among five leading players, including Multitiendas Corona SA and Zara Chile SA, apparel and footwear specialists in Chile remained dominated in outlet terms by independent players in 2023. These operators serve…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Vending in Brazil

Mar 2024

Vending remained the smallest retail channel in Brazil in 2023, but continued to see solid current value growth. Most vending machines are located in semi-captive areas such as apartment buildings, offices, and university campuses, amongst others. A…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Supermarkets in Brazil

Mar 2024

Supermarkets maintained growth in both current value terms and in terms of outlet numbers in Brazil in 2023. Grupo Mateus was one player that contributed strongly to growth in this year. The group’s growth trajectory began in Balsas, in the state of…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Small Local Grocers in Brazil

Mar 2024

Small local grocers and food/drink/tobacco specialists maintained current value growth in Brazil in 2023 and remained fairly stable in terms of outlet numbers. In food/drink/tobacco specialists, the Cacau Show, Kopenhagen, and Chocolates Brasil Cacau…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Retail in Brazil

Mar 2024

Despite multiple challenges in 2023, retail in Brazil maintained current value growth. 2023 began with the return of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as President of the Republic of Brazil and, shortly thereafter, the attacks of 8 January occurred, with…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Retail E-Commerce in Brazil

Mar 2024

The Americanas scandal of accounting inconsistencies, which emerged at the start of 2023, undoubtedly caused a certain amount of noise in Brazilian retail; felt in both offline and online sales, both of which saw a slowing of growth in 2023. However,…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Hypermarkets in Brazil

Mar 2024

After a difficult couple of years, hypermarkets returned to growth in current value terms in Brazil in 2023, although outlet numbers continued to decline. The hypermarket business model has suffered from the strong expansion of neighbourhood…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Home Products Specialists in Brazil

Mar 2024

Home products specialists maintained low growth in outlet numbers and stronger growth in current value terms in Brazil in 2023. However, not all players performed well. In April 2023, the partners in Tok & Stok – the private equity fund Carlyle and…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Health and Beauty Specialists in Brazil

Mar 2024

Health and beauty specialists maintained growth in both current value terms and in terms of outlet numbers in Brazil in 2023, with growth across all channels by both measures. Raia Drogasil (Droga Raia, RD Farmácias, and Drogaria Onofre) consolidated…

USD 1,100
Country Report

General Merchandise Stores in Brazil

Mar 2024

Although the number of outlets in general merchandise stores saw a slight rise in Brazil in 2023, current value sales saw a significant (double-digit) decline. With the accounting inconsistencies of Americanas in recent years coming to light at the…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Discounters in Brazil

Mar 2024

After several years of decline, discounters returned to low growth in current value terms in Brazil in 2023. However, outlet numbers continued to fall, and the channel has not been performing well compared with other grocery retail channels. The…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Direct Selling in Brazil

Mar 2024

Direct selling maintained current value growth in Brazil in 2023, continuing the trend seen throughout the review period. The ongoing growth of direct selling has been supported by a number of factors in Brazil, particularly following the emergence…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Convenience Retailers in Brazil

Mar 2024

In 2023, convenience retailers in Brazil maintained retail current value growth, and also returned to growth in outlet numbers, as consumers looked to shop for essentials close to home. OXXO was one retailer which opened more stores at the end of the…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Appliances and Electronics Specialists in Brazil

Mar 2024

Appliances and electronics specialists saw current value growth in Brazil in 2023, finally recovering to the pre-pandemic level of sales. One positive factor was the higher temperatures driving sales of air treatment products. However, the channel…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Apparel and Footwear Specialists in Brazil

Mar 2024

Apparel and footwear specialists maintained growth in current value terms in Brazil in 2023, as well as in outlet numbers. Value sales finally returned to the pre-pandemic level, although the same could not be said of outlet numbers. Lojas Renner…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Vending in Peru

Mar 2024

The vending channel witnessed a better performance in 2023 as sales began to normalise in the post-pandemic era. Whilst pre-pandemic consumption levels have not yet been reached, sales are moving closer to this point. One of the limitations to growth…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Vending in Colombia

Mar 2024

In 2023, vending in Colombia experienced slowed growth as a result of price increases and the cost-of-living crisis. Prioritising essential products, many Colombians spent less on on-the-go snacks and drinks, slowing down the category’s performance…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Supermarkets in Peru

Mar 2024

Supermarkets in Peru felt the direct impact of the weakening economy in 2023, with current value sales declining for the second consecutive year. Since the Peruvian economy entered recession in 2023, over half of Peruvian families have been left…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Supermarkets in Colombia

Mar 2024

Supermarkets in Colombia saw further growth in 2023 as consumers are visiting stores more frequently and spending less per visit rather than doing large bimonthly shops in hypermarkets. Growth has been further supported by frequent discounts and…

USD 1,195
Country Report

Small Local Grocers in Peru

Mar 2024

Even though some small local grocers have been forced to close, this retail format continues to grow in Peru. The closeness these retailers have with their customers, often as family providers, and the strong tradition they have in the Peruvian…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Small Local Grocers in Colombia

Mar 2024

In 2023, small local grocers in Colombia continued to lose ground as they have become less attractive as a format for price-sensitive consumers. 2023 has been an economically challenging year and, according to DANE figures, retail sales declined by…

USD 1,100
Country Report

Retail in Peru

Mar 2024

Retail in Peru has experienced a sustained increase in prices since 2021, but the situation has worsened in recent years with inflation soaring and remaining high in 2023. Although local brands are well established in Peru, many of the final products…

USD 2,450
Country Report

Retail in Colombia

Mar 2024

The Colombian economy began to recover in the second half of 2021, and growth reached 7.5% by the end of 2022, fuelled by fiscal stimulus, increased oil prices and a boost in food and beverages exports, which registered a 24% increase. However,…

USD 2,450
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