Sugar Reduction and Soft Drinks in 2023

December 2023

Sugar reduction will remain among consumers’ top dietary priorities and a central challenge for both global beverage producers and regulators in 2024. This report explores the progress made in reducing sugar in soft drinks, examining Euromonitor International’s Reduced Sugar market sizes, Health and Wellness claims and Nutrition data.

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Key findings

Reduced sugar beverages significantly outperform sugar-sweetened regular brands globally

Across the global categories of carbonates (CSDs), still RTD tea, energy drinks and sports drinks, reduced sugar products outperformed regular brands sweetened with sucrose (or other nutritive forms of sugar) over 2018-2023. Likewise, the outlook over 2023-2028 for each of these reduced sugar categories is stronger than for regular brands, led primarily by BFY no sugar products.

Sugar reduction resonates with global consumers, particularly in soft drinks

Diabetes, obesity and obesity-related illnesses remain a global public health challenge. The linkage between sugar consumption – particularly sugar consumed from beverages – resonates clearly with consumers in Euromonitor International’s Global Health and Nutrition Survey. This holds particularly true with younger age demographics, with respondents also demonstrating avoidance of artificial sweeteners.

Changing category preferences and diversifying portfolios contribute to sugar declines

Over the last decade, several markets have introduced sugar-sweetened beverage taxes and other restrictions on sugary drinks. Suppliers have intensified reformulation efforts, with the introduction of zero calorie alternative brands and incremental sugar reduction in core brands. However, the rising preference for packaged water, along with functional beverage options, has been the most significant driver of slowing – or declining – sugar volume within the industry.

A lower volume, higher value growth model long-term, with GLP-1 drugs creating uncertainty

In developed markets, global soft drinks suppliers seem fixed to a model of growth that sacrifices growth in volume consumption for higher value, more premium transactions. Smaller package sizes and margin-friendly mini-cans contribute to reducing topline sugar consumption. Long-term, it remains to be seen how the popularisation of Wegovy, Ozempic and other GLP-1 weight loss drugs will impact sugar-sweetened and zero calorie beverage categories.

Scope and methodologies (1)
Scope and methodologies (2)
Key findings
What is this report about?
Is the global consumer concerned about sugar consumption from soft drinks?
The role of sugar in nutrition remains an area of study, and a hot topic of public debate
How does sugar consumption compare across packaged food and beverage categories?
Are industry commitments leading to growth in reduced sugar alternatives?
Is the industry making progress in its effort to reduce sugar consumption from soft drinks?
Functional beverage growth also supports low and no sugar product development
Outside fruit juice, “no” is preferred to “low” in terms of sugar reduction pack claims
Sugar-sweetened beverage tax programmes now in over 117 countries
World Bank: Current sugar-sweetened beverage tax programmes (August 2023)
Sugar taxes in an era of price inflation may increase pressure on regulators
Chile: Diminishing efficacy of “traffic light" warning labels to curb sugar consumption
Poland: Two years on, sugar tax results in widespread reformulation across soft drinks
Thailand: Delayed increase in phased sugar tax finally comes into effect in 2023
Global food and beverage industry facing an era of much higher sugar commodity prices
Cost concerns shape sweetener R&D, while Stevia 2.0 may overcome previous obstacles
Case study: Coca-Cola trials alternative Diet Coke with stevia and monk fruit blend
Case study: Allulose finally becoming a commercially viable option for soft drinks innovation?
Future challenges: Value over volume corporate strategies may accelerate sugar reduction
Future challenges: Could GLP-1 medications impact sugar reduction strategies?
GLP-1 adoption underscores the importance of diversified beverage portfolios
Case study: THCv as an alternative, natural appetite suppressant

Soft Drinks

This is the aggregation of the following categories; Carbonates, Fruit/vegetable juice, Bottled water, Functional drinks, Concentrates, RTD tea, RTD coffee and Asian speciality drinks.

See All of Our Definitions


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