The Future of Social Selling and Storytelling in Food

August 2021

Social selling has become more popular and important during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Social commerce has advantages for both consumers and sellers by maximising the promotional effect. For successful social selling, attractive storytelling is essential. Healthy eating and sustainability could be key topics in the aftermath of COVID-19. In addition, gathering information through social media can help companies understand audiences better, which is a key part of marketing strategies.

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Key Findings

The rapid development of social commerce

Social selling has become more popular and more important during the pandemic as an expanded format of e-commerce, due to consumers spending more time enjoying social media at home. Social media enables consumers to get discounted prices for a limited period, and sellers can create marketing effects through word-of-mouth via social media.

New business model of social commerce is mainly developed in Asia Pacific countries

In overall mobile commerce, the developed regions of North America and Western Europe lead the industry with advanced mobile applications and technology. However, South Korea, Hong Kong and China are prominent leaders in the development of social commerce targeting all generations.

Storytelling is crucial to support social selling

For successful social selling, attractive storytelling content is essential. In particular, healthy eating and delivering informative facts about the functionality and sustainability of food, mainly targeting conscious consumers, could be initiatives and key topics to leverage in storytelling on the back of the pandemic.

Future development of E-commerce Ecosystems

A more advanced meaning of e-commerce is the concept of E-commerce Ecosystems, which has emerged in the retailing industry. Social media has been rapidly developed as social commerce by adding e-commerce functions, and it has recently been considered as one of the representative E-commerce Ecosystems.

The importance of data gathering from social commerce for future social selling

Gathering information around conversations and messages from consumers through social media platforms can help companies better understand audiences and better target them with their products, and this is a key part of marketing strategies nowadays.

Key findings
Social selling and storytelling become key trends in the food industry
How the e-commerce industry developed globally
High usage of smartphones brings the popularity of social selling in 2020s
High potential of social commerce for MZ consumers in the food industry
The future of mobile commerce powered by social commerce
Social commerce in food industry will open up potential markets in APAC
How social selling can be developed
New business model required for social selling in a contactless era
Sending gifts via messaging apps boosts disruption in social commerce
Kakao gifting leads to successful Pepero Day in South Korea
Live commerce in the food industry effectively appeals to all generations
Livestream helps consumers to engage and make impulse purchases
Based on loyal customers, TV homeshopping leverages live selling
Group buying platforms skyrocket within social media
Group buying settles as a new e-commerce model in Singapore
What are the elements of storytelling?
Consumers will rely more on storytelling through social media
Social media has a greater impact on pet owners’ shopping patterns
Warm pet story with unexpected twist successfully attracts consumers
Information around health trends is actively shared via social media
The premium yoghurt segment established via storytelling on social media
Storytelling around sustainability can engage eco-conscious consumers
Tony’s Chocolonely delivers its brand philosophy using social commerce
Disruptive social media continues to evolve into social commerce
Data from social media is valued for successful marketing
Key areas for effective storytelling on social media in the food industry


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