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Consumer Trends in Health and Nutrition: Vitamins and Supplements Driving Beauty Innovation

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Healthy living and behaviours towards health are consistently changing. As new trends emerge and information about various ailments and illnesses is shared via more channels than ever before, it is important for companies and brands to understand consumer perceptions and habits when it comes to their health.

Working closely with in-house industry experts and analysts, alongside key players within the industry Euromonitor International’s Survey team conducted an online survey in February 2019. With over 20,000 respondents across 20 core markets around the world, the survey´s results provide consumer insight into every day and long-term health behaviours and attitudes in area´s such as packaged food, consumer health and sports nutrition.

Amongst the key findings of the survey we found a rapid shift in the consumer health and nutrition landscape, as consumers look to make changes to their healthcare.

Vitamins and Supplements Driving Beauty Innovation

Constantly changing health trends and large amounts of easily available information on health and nutrition is blurring the lines of what types of products consumers are using to maintain their health. For example, consumers who previously relied on traditional beauty products to maintain their appearance are now looking at vitamins and supplements to enhance their appearance as part of their overall well-being.

As consumers are shifting their focus towards a more holistic approach to healthcare, brands and companies need to ensure that they are looking at their products and services with the same view. Therefore, it is important that brands and companies look beyond their immediate competitors and product categories as disruption within health and nutrition industries continues.

Definition of Health
% of Global Respondents

Source: Euromonitor International’s 2019 Health and Nutrition Survey

Consumers have consistently looked at their appearance as an indicator of health. Though the definition of health has been changing over the years, with more emphasis being placed on mental well-being, feeling “good” and getting enough sleep, 47% of global consumers still believe that being healthy means having a healthy appearance and 54% feel that beauty means looking healthy.


Top 10 Consumer Perceptions of Beauty
% of Global Respondents

Source: Euromonitor International’s 2018 Beauty Survey

Consumers are looking beyond traditional topical beauty products and are incorporating vitamins and supplements as part of their beauty routines and overall well-being, re-enforcing the growing trends that consumers are taking a more holistic approach when it comes to their health.

Taking Vitamins and Supplements for Beauty/Skin Health
% of Global Respondents


Source: Euromonitor International’s 2019 Health and Nutrition Survey

Vitamin E, green tea extract and multivitamins are the most commonly consumed vitamins and supplements for beauty and skin health purposes. Though some of these vitamins and supplements have been a staple in beauty and personal care products for many years, the format of how consumers are using it has changed. These products not only include standard pills and capsules found within vitamins and supplements categories but also powders to add to shakes or meals, oral sprays and ready-to-drink products.

The way that consumer are consuming vitamins and supplement is not the only thing that is changing, but how they get their information and make purchasing decisions is shifting as well. Most consumers still rely on information from traditional sources such as doctors, pharmacists and family/friends. However, many are looking at alternative information sources with global consumers relying on healthcare related websites (20%), social media (16%) and fitness trainers or coaches (14%) to give them healthcare advice and information on which vitamins and supplements to consume.

Brands and companies need to understand the overall landscape of health and nutrition for their consumers instead of focusing solely on their specific categories, as they need to be part of the wider lifestyle choices and habits consumers have when it comes to their health.

For additional insights from our 2019 Health and Nutrition Survey, download Euromonitor International’s Top Consumer Trends Impacting Health and Nutrition white paper.

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