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Women in 2022: Celebrating the Impact

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International Women’s Day is all about celebrating the impact and accomplishments of women, and eliminating the stereotypes of the traditional, socially constructed roles women are expected to have in life.

On a positive note:

  • Since 2000, the number of female students in higher education institutions has increased by 157%. The number of female students has not only overtaken but also surpassed the number of male students, by 9.6 million in 2022.
  • Over the past few years, the number of female household heads grew much more rapidly than males, showing their ability and capability to lead and provide for their families.
  • Compared with men, fewer women have high blood glucose and high blood pressure, and fewer die from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory conditions, pneumonia or bronchitis. Overall, healthy female life expectancy is two years higher than that of males. So, which is the stronger gender now?
  • Females also dominate the baby boomer (by 8%) and silent (by 45%) generations, making them consumers with significant accumulated wealth, especially in developed countries.
  • According to Euromonitor International’s Voice of the Consumer survey, females are also the primary decision-makers. They are, more so than men, willing to try new products and services, interested in uniquely tailored products, actively searching for bargains, and spending more money on experiences rather than things. They are also more willing to make decisions based on their social or political beliefs.

Nevertheless, even though real income growth over the past few years was more robust for females than males, in 2022 women’s average disposable income remains 31% lower than that of men worldwide. Income inequality remains one of the most significant obstacles in reaching gender equilibrium.


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