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ChocoTec 2024

Javier Muñoz

Javier Muñoz

Cologne Congress Center North Deutz-Mülheimer-Straße 111, 50679 Cologne 10 Dec 24 | CET: 01:00 PM

CHOCO TEC is the industry congress for the chocolate industry. As a source of inspiration for new product ideas and processes the event will help you to find out about new trends and market developments and to expand your expertise.


Food Ingredients Europe 2024

Linda Lichtmess

Linda Lichtmess

Halls 3.0, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main 20 Nov 24 | CET: 12:00 PM

Food ingredients Europe has been uniting the world’s leading food & beverage suppliers, buyers, R&D experts and production specialists for over 35 years.


World of Private Label International Trade Show

Ana Tique

Ana Tique

RAI Amsterdam, Europaplein 24, 1078 GZ 27 May 24 | CET: 02:30 PM

For more than 35 years, PLMA’s annual World of Private Label International Trade Show has brought retailers together with manufacturers to network with new and existing clients, explore new markets and drive business growth.


Informa x EMI Breakfast Meeting: Singapore

Emil Fazira

Emil Fazira

1 Expo Drive, Singapore 486150 24 Apr 24 | SGT: 05:00 PM

Business Breakfast events are designed for industry professionals to participate in engaging insights-driven panel sessions delivered by industry partners, and to take advantage of the networking opportunity – all in under an hour across various cities!


Bridge2Food Summit Asia 2023

Emil Fazira

Emil Fazira

Marina Bay Sands 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018956 22 Nov 23 | SGT: 09:00 AM

Euromonitor's presentation will showcase key drivers and opportunities for dairy products in Asia Pacific.


ISM Middle East 2023

Monique Naval

Monique Naval

Dubai World Trade Center, Dubai, UAE 8 Nov 23 | GST: 04:45 PM

An overview and insights into the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) sweets and snacks market, highlighting growth forecasts and opportunities within the region.


Eco Living Scandinavia

Rasa  Vaičiūnienė

Rasa Vaičiūnienė

MalmöMässan Exhibition & Congress Center, Mässgatan 6, 215 32 Malmö, Sverige, Sweden 15 Nov 23 | CET: 12:30 PM

European consumers for a long time were quite keen on buying organic goods, however, over the recent volume sales have slowed down.


Plant-Based Foods & Proteins Summit Asia 2023

Emil Fazira

Emil Fazira

Marina Bay Sands 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018956 21 Nov 23 | SGT: 08:50 AM

Bridge2Food’s Summit Asia is designed to provide in-depth insights into the latest developments and trends in the alternative proteins industry.


Expo IAlimentos

Andres Chehtman

Andres Chehtman

Compensar Avenida, Engativá, Bogotá, Cundinamarca 16 Aug 23 | Colombia Time: 10:00 AM

Expo IAlimentos busca reunir, de manera presencial y virtual, a los principales proveedores de la industria de alimentos y bebidas con el fin de vivir una experiencia a través de las distintas soluciones que se podrán observar de primera mano, donde la innovación y la disrupción serán los protagonistas.
