The Fight Against Food Waste

February 2022

Dealing with the environmental consequences and hefty economic burden of food waste has proven to be extremely difficult in a world with finite resources and a growing population. With recent advancements in the sustainable development landscape and increased international pressure, many countries are exploring novel ways to reduce food waste across all levels of the value chain. This report will discuss the growing concerns, success stories from countries that are setting the bar today and how

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Key Findings

Food waste implications go further beyond the surface of losing resources

The food waste challenge exerts a multi-layered burden over the global food system. Imprecise demand forecast at the retail level or overstocking on a household level can create a series of ripple effects that subsequently lead to negative environmental impact, such as rising temperatures across countries across the globe.

Mitigating food waste earlier in the value chain allows for less environmental and economic burden

Food waste gets more expensive the further down the value chain it travels, both economically and environmentally. The loss at the consumer end bears much more weight on the economy and the environment than at the harvest stage. Therefore, the need to change the consumer relationship with food is pressing not only because of the amount of food wasted but because of the environmental and economic ramifications it has on the whole food system.

Households rank as the number one source of food waste, but revamping the consumer relationship to food starts earlier

Examining retailers’ contribution to food waste on a global level shows a relatively low impact, however a deeper dive reveals that retailers are the catalyst for much of the food waste happening at household level. In order to change consumers’ behaviour towards food, a multi-layered approach should be followed, where all stakeholders play an active role including producers, manufacturers and most importantly legislators.

Food system reform across the value chain will pave the way for a more sustainable future

In order to mitigate food waste, we need to explore the only two options available currently: either enhance the efficiencies of our current food system or explore the possibility of adopting a new economy model, ie circular economy.


Key findings
Food waste versus food loss
Overview of the value chain: the weak link
Rescuing food at the earlier stages is more impactful
Food waste footprint a multifaceted impact
The magnitude of the challenge
The environment deals with the repercussions of food waste…
The impact of food waste spills over to jeopardise economies
Food waste escalation momentum can be reversed
Underlying reasons for food waste across the value chain
The matrix of food rescue
Food rescue needs all stakeholder involvement
Our relationship with food is the building block for change
Rewarding food rescue to initiate a ripple effect in society
Leveraging consumer preferences to drive change
Retailers: aesthetic standards
Consumers: higher awareness
Producers: upcycling ingredients
Foodservice: empowering professionals
Retailers: enhancing efficiencies
Regulation: cementing change
Food system reform paves the way forward
Circular economy holds great potential for future growth
Adopting a holistic strategy to achieve a sustainable food system
About the lifestyle survey methodologies

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness encompasses a number of key claims made on a food or drink products that suggest a health and/or wellness positioning. It comprises positionings relating to better for you, dietary and free from, fortified/functional, health benefit, natural and organic. Please note that data is not available at this level or other aggregated claim levels.

See All of Our Definitions


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