World Market for Home and Garden

September 2024

This report discusses the growth trajectory for home and garden, both short-term and looking further ahead, with analysis of which products have been performing especially well or especially poorly in the context of the wider market, and in the context of other industries competing for essential and discretionary household spending. It considers category, brand and channel performance, mapping the winners and losers, and sharing where the next opportunities (and threats) are coming from.

USD 1,475
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This report comes in PPT.

Key findings

Substantial macro-economic headwinds buffet the industry, with a decline in sales in real terms in 2023

2023 was a challenging year in home and garden, with sales declining by 4% at constant 2023 prices, to USD1,239 billion. Housing markets across large parts of the world stalled amidst high interest rates, whilst other sectors which had previously seen suppressed demand bounced back in 2023, at the expense of in-home spending.

The categories seeing growth are typically linked to wellness in the home

Even within parts of home and garden that struggled with decline, there were wellness trends like biophilic design, healthy eating and raising light levels in the home that either provided low levels of real growth (decorative paint, seeds, pots and planters) or at least mitigated a decline, with the performance being better than the surrounding context (cookware and food storage).

IKEA stands out as a winner from the shift in weightings within key buying factors towards affordability

IKEA owning 77% of the franchise store footprint, with a 3-month price change tempo across the portfolio, meant that the company successfully navigated the inflationary upwards curve followed by a deflationary savings curve, as input costs fell. Lacking a legacy margin issue, IKEA dropped prices on tactically useful items in demand, gaining substantial share over 2021-2023.

Opportunities are in emerging markets, new revenue streams, micro-segments and wellness

India, Indonesia and Brazil attract attention in recent export and expansion plans, as spending is forecast to grow. In developed markets, retailers focus on marketplace expansion and adding new revenue streams via retail media, while brands focus on under-exploited segments, exploring the wellness trend as a strong prospect for both growth and premium differentiation.

Indoor plants, along with pots and planters are the stand-out prospects, for future growth

The desire to invite nature into homes in smaller urban settings offers the clearest opportunity area in the market. This is about vertical gardening, self-watering pots, balcony designs and a significant rise in green gifting. With grow-your-own food plants and air quality gains, consumers can literally gift wellness to friends and family.

Our expert’s view of home and garden in 2023 (and what is visible so far of 2024 prospects)
Home and garden in 2023-2024: Sales are extremely tough; relief not arriving until 2025
Looking across the consumer economy, there is a clear priority drop for household spending
Key findings
Long-term decline, value chains that were sorely tested and new living space drivers
Top five trends in home and garden
Strategic briefing: “Wellness Zones, Mood Crafting and Our Growing Biophilia in the Home”
Drivers of consumer markets and their impact specifically on home and garden
Adjacent industries that most closely interface with home and garden
The evolution of retail sales value and growth in home and garden has swung to pessimism
Gardening stands out as the major growth driver across developed and developing markets
Spending on life indoors suppressed, with products offering wellness performing best
The link to wellness is also visible via home improvement projects and the decoration spend
Gardening had both the strongest consistent link to wellness and the best demand profile
Gardening growth is the fastest across all regions, in some cases with huge gaps
Stalled growth in developed markets is visible, with all the usual suspects now missing
Channel mixes have been quite stable since the reset in 2020, with e-commerce plateauing
Inflation Projection Tool: A new cost bump is creating more inflationary pressure into 2025
The DIY and Gardening Opportunity Index, revealed at Global DIY Summit (Rome 2024)
The map of where home and garden real growth is forecast to come from tells a story
Shoppers have been turning to IKEA and private label – two actions that were not unrelated
IKEA has been making strong gains around the world, but most of all in Western Europe
Delivering “value for money” with an unstable cost base is defining this period
Our inflation tool maps out when production costs stopped being a retail inflation driver
IKEA’s price management is smooth, and tactically passed savings to shoppers on key SKUs
Top 10 companies in home and garden: Mergers and acquisitions activity (page 1)
Top 10 companies in home and garden: Mergers and acquisitions activity (page 2)
Top 10 companies in home and garden: Mergers and acquisitions activity (page 3)
Of the top 10 for sales, only IKEA and Sherwin-Williams Co are also in the top 20 for growth
SWOT analysis for home and garden
Key opportunities for growth, differentiation or profit management that these trends present
What is included in home and garden bubble charts (on pages 16-18 and 24 of this report)

Home and Garden

This project has a strict focus on sales to consumers only. Trade and professional sales are excluded. Home and garden refers to gardening, home improvement, homewares and home furnishings.

See All of Our Definitions


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